Available chicks coming soon to Her Majesty’s Secret Beekeeper

Hey fellas! Her Majesty’s Secret Beekeeper is apparently hosting a singles night!

Seriously though, I stopped in to the storefront near 20th and Mission for the first time this weekend. The honey is pricey at $16, but it doesn’t get much more hyper-local than picking between “Inner Mission Honey” vs. “Mission Dolores Honey”. They all taste very different, which I guess isn’t that surprising given the distinct fauna and odors of each neighborhood.

I think I’ll pass on the “MUNI Tracks Above Dolores Park Honey” variety.

Getting foggy and lasery

Fog and Laser was a blast as usual. Over the weekend they published an album of laser portraits taken at the event. Here are some highlights:

The full album (with 174 more portraits) is here.

Palace Family Steakhouse name change mystery continues

Our pal Jacob did some digging, based on questions raised last week:

The contractors that were there said it’s due to open next week. The circuits for the ovens broke or else they would have opened this week.

No one was aware of a name change – the mystery continues.


Check out the place’s new interior here.

[Original photo via Bernalwood]

Fishy mystery on Capp Street

Reader Chris T. came across these scenes on Capp Street this morning, one at 25th and the other all the way up at 16th. What the?


At The Touch.

Magical Meter Maid Barbie

Ages 3 and up. Parking tickets sold separately.

Previously (apparently, we have quite the history of Barbie posts):

Hot new look for summer: Dual Ray-Ban brand monocles

Rocky knows what’s up.

To cupcake or not to cupcake




Mildred strikes again [link].

Stair master

Who is that? There, at the top of the staircase. In the Black Flag shirt. Who is that?