Mission Street Food is back for one night only!

To celebrate the release of the Mission Street Food book, City Lights and McSweeney’s have partnered to bring MSF back for one night only, at Cookhouse in North Beach on August 10th. And what’s more, it’s billed as “An evening of conversation and dining with Anthony Myint and Karen Leibowitz.” Kickass! Tickets are available here.

Full press release after the jump includes ticket info, menu and more.

[Photo by Jesse]


Apocalypse fog

It’s been pretty epic lately.

[via Drew]

Locking up through the rear triangle

The first time someone showed me this locking method, I had to stare at it for a long time. I reluctantly walked away from my bike trying to solve the 3-dimensional logic puzzle in my head.

“How can you secure a bike without locking around the frame?” I thought. Turns out, this is actually more secure than what I was doing before, which was basically locking the frame near the headset. This secures both the frame and the rear wheel.

Still not convinced? Mission Bicycle explains the whole thing.

Update: If you can, locking around the frame and wheel is always better, but if you’re limited in options this will do the job. If someone really wants your frame, they can do some damage and saw through the wheel to get at your bike, as neocoffeeboss points out:

Bike lane through the Hairball on Potrero

One of the most dangerous intersections in the Mission is now getting a bit safer with the inclusion of some long-awaited bicycle lane striping! Previously, navigating the dangerous Hairball Gauntlet has been extraordinarily treacherous for cyclists, especially those turning right off the skybridge from Cesar Chavez to Potrero who are expected to contend with merging traffic exiting from the 101.  While this spells things out a little more clearly, until they stencil in that bicycle guy (hopefully with pink helmets), drivers will still probably get confused.

Hopefully we won’t need to get the tank.

(BTW, I totally messed up by not taking the photo directly 180 degrees from this point of view so you can see what I’m talking about regarding the merging 101 traffic–this shortcoming will be ameliorated soon)

Uh oh, this does not look good

Godzilla's Coming

I have bad news. I recently picked up some intel through my usual sources and it looks like there’s a chance that Godzilla is coming to town. But don’t run through the streets in a hot panic just yet, I’ve got a call in to some inside experts at Quantico to find out if he’s angry and wants to destroy everything, or is just in the mood to sample some of our famously overpriced coffee. I will let you know more as news comes in. Unless it’s top secret, in that case I’ll just tell you that everything is fine and not to worry.

UPDATE: Sorry folks, false alarm. No need to worry, everything’s cool. Go back to business as usual.

Bad-ass Lithuanian mayor crushes cars illegally parked in bike lane with a TANK

Memo to all aspiring San Francisco mayoral candidates: whichever one of you does this first is totally getting my vote.


(Thanks J-man!)

Omer the beer

Pi Bar apparently has this beer in stock. It’s called Omer, just like everybody’s favorite Tourettic Valencia Street street musician. Perhaps Pi Bar (also on Valencia Street) should put together some sort of promotional event where they have Omer on special and a performance by Omer! That I’d like to see. That I would RSVP to on Facebook in a second, and actually attend.

Also, traditional blond? Our Omer is certainly not a traditional blond. Here he is doing a “kickass cover song”:

Feel-good hit of the summer

It’s this new single “Hoop of Love” by local band Dominant Legs (pictured). The Bay Bridged wrote about it a few weeks back and I’ve listened to it multiple times every day since. It sounds unlike anything else out there I think. It’s happy and weird. It’s the feel-good hit of the summer. Read about it and listen to it here.

Dominant Legs play the Independent tonight in support of Real Estate, and it appears tickets are still available.

This Month in Mission Mission: August




Berlin-style ping pong comes to the Mission starting this Friday!

Well, this has been a dream of mine for a couple years now. The first time I played ping pong in Berlin, my mind was blown and I chanted for weeks and months, “WHY DO WE NOT HAVE THIS IN SAN FRANCISCO???”

Now we do. It’s a party called American Tripps and it debuts the first two Fridays in August. Here’s how it works:

It starts mellow, everybody strolling around the table, drinks in hand, possibly movin’ to the music, getting to know the people next to you in the circle. And as people mess up and the ranks dwindle, the action gets serious:

But not too serious. It’s all in good fun. It’s fun to watch, it’s fun to hang out. It’s fun. It’s the best! RSVP and invite your friends HERE.

Why “American Tripps”? Last summer I played a bunch at this place called Sportklause on Glogauer Straße, but they had some leftover signage from when the space was a travel agency catering to immigrants from the Balkan Peninsula.

So we called it “Balkan Tripps” because that was more fun to say.