
Arlen captured this sad pigeon a few months back.

Could this explain the tragic pigeon cannibalism we see all too often in the Mission? Kind of like when hungry Looney Tunes characters see each other as dinner?

Though let’s be honest — this is in poor taste. Cheetos suck when compared to Hawkins Cheezies.

These are *so* much better than Cheetos you have NO IDEA. Hell, *I’d* eat a pigeon if it had a bag of Cheezies on its head.

(Also, the image search for Cheetos is pretty damn freaky.)

Oldies Night is back!

That two-week hiatus thanks to that extra-long July was brutal! Can’t wait! (But be sure to do your pre-gaming at American Tripps! Doy!)

[via Primo]

Pissoir subcommittee

Mission Local reports from last night’s pivotal (and controversial) meeting of the Dolores Park Rehabilitation Project:

“We should build a pissoir so there are more bathrooms for women,” asked a woman.

“Our pissoir subcommittee will look at that,” promised [landscape architect Steve] Cancian.

Sounds like the event was a real laugh riot! Read on.

[Photo by Mission Local]

Dead goat in a gutter on Capp Street

(Thanks, Tricia. I think.)

UPDATE: Our pal Scum remind us this grisly mess follows close on the heels of another grisly (and perplexing) mess on Capp Street.

Zeitgeist tries to keep masses at bay by claiming Tony Bourdain won’t actually be at taping of his show

We reported last week that next week there would be a taping of Bourdain’s new show at Zeitgeist. This week, Zeitgeist sent out this update:

No Reservations will be taping at Zeitgeist on August 12th, between 1:30pm and 3pm.

Anthony Bourdain will NOT be present for the taping.

I don’t buy it.

(Thanks, Amy!)

La Corde on Baghdad by the Bay tonight

Tune in to Radio Valencia tonight at 8pm for an interview with my band, La Corde, on Baghdad by the Bay!  This is in anticipation of our show tomorrow at the Hemlock with G Green and Waldo Astoria, the latter of whom will also be on the radio directly after us.

We’ll be spinning records from our favorite bands and talking shit about everyone we know, so it’s worth a listen if you’re around!  Check out the all details for tonight’s interview here.

Easter egg

[via Dex]

Dolores Park Rehab Project to make very big decisions at workshop tonight

Got an email from the rehab team last week:

I wanted to remind you that our next workshop is this Thursday, August 4th at 6:30. Please be sure to note that we have a new location: the Everett Middle School Cafeteria at 450 Church St. (enter on 17th St. through the parking lot, signs will point the way on Thursday night).

Please be sure to attend this critical session because Thursday night we will start making decisions about the location and character of key elements of the park–the bathrooms, the pathways, the central promenade, the entrances, the picnic areas and more.

As you can see in the above image (from Uptown Almanac’s big report published earlier this afternoon), it looks as though, among other things, we’re talking about running a pair of staircases right through the upper quadrant of the park. That’s a drastic change, folks. Lots more drastic changes are afoot as well. Be advised.

What your vodka soda says about your personality

From Serious Eats, a notable New York City barkeep explains what’s up:

Once, I was working the bar on a Friday night when a gentleman walked in, briefly scanned my cocktail list, and asked for a Grey Goose with soda.

I have nothing against the vodka soda. When I’m three deep at the bar, a round of highballs can be a life-preserver. Your Manhattan will take three minutes, at a minimum. Your vodka soda will take thirty seconds. Cocktails might be what keeps people coming in the doors, but highballs fund those doors staying open in the first place.

That said, vodka-soda drinkers are like jilted lovers; they’ve often had brief relationships with other spirits in the past, and walked away feeling scarred and skittish. Reluctant to open old wounds, they have trained their palates to crave neutrality. The phrase I hear most often is, “I don’t want to taste the alcohol.” In effect, they want the punch but not the flavor.

The worst part is, the guy ended up being on a first date. The girl ordered a bourbon, neat. Read on to see how it all ends up.

(Thanks, Brittney!)

[Photo by Jenn]

Hot new exercise routine for summer: Treehouse pull-ups at the Secret Alley

The Secret Alley sure is great. If only we had a reason to hang out there more often.