Gorgeous new Dominant Legs video depicts a pair of pals leaving SF for a road trip up north

This is the best-looking music video of the decade:

And this one’s a close second.

[via Stereogum]

Chilaquile bloody marys debuting today at Blind Cat (plus free BBQ)

Not sure exactly how this is gonna work, but our pal Rob behind the bar says he’s working on a collab with a chef from Saison which will result in, yes, chilaquile bloody marys. I can’t wait. Blind Cat (formerly known as Dirty Thieves AKA Treat Street) opens in 30 minutes. Free BBQ too, just like every Monday.

[Photo by Anne Keenan]

Disaster morning

Well, it looks like Godzilla may have come through after all.

This morning around 9:15 a fire hydrant at 20th and Folsom showered El Faro. It has since been fixed.

(thanks, Chris!)

Then a tree came down onto a parked car on Valencia between 19th and 20th.

(thanks, Russell!)

And below, some pics by Rob and his eyewitness account. (which curiously does not mention Godzilla)

“It happened sometime around 11:40… during the scheduled construction at the Mission Playground facility… Somehow, no one was hurt, despite its smashing a parked car and falling into the south bound lane. Construction workers looked pretty pissed and nervous, although, appearing to be just as confused as to what caused it.”

(thanks Rob!)

UPDATE: Just realizing this may have less to do with Godzilla, and more to do with the aliens that crash landed behind Borderlands a few months ago.

Aliens Land Behind Borderlands!
(file photo by me)

Tree felling gone horribly awry closes Valencia Street

There’s a car under there too.

(Thanks, Russell!)

What are you gonna be for Halloween?


It may be a little early to start thinking about your costume, but here’s a friendly suggestion for you, courtesy of a mailbox.

Famed bloody mary recipe making public debut at Knockout this afternoon at 5PM

A little birdie told us our buddy Josh Yule is covering the happy hour shift at the Knockout tonight, and serving up his famed bloody marys til he runs out of supplies. Josh pickles his own okra, and his ladyfriend pickled carrots, green beans and radishes just for this auspicious occasion.

Bartenders all over town have been telling Josh to take his marys public for years. Today is the day. See you all there. RSVP and invite your friends!

[File photo]

Tagging the fence


Someone stop this vandal!

Contest: Win a Price is Right entry ticket to the Blunder Years

How shitty were your teenage years?  Well, now you have a chance to make someone else’s teen years a little less shitty than yours while also enjoying a fun night out in the Mission with The Blunder Years, a variety show drawing upon and paying homage to the films & TV shows of our yester years.  All proceeds for the event are going to BAVC’s The Factory, an advanced video production collective for motivated teenagers in Oakland.  Check out the details below:

An amazing roster of talent is joining the show, with acts by Mortified, We Players, The Freeze, Monday Night Foreplays, Ned Buskirk, Lev Yilmaz & Strike Anywhere. And, in support of our very own version of Price is Right, a plethora of local businesses have donated prizes in sponsorship of the event, including Teatro Zinzanni, The Independent, and Speakeasy Ales & Lagers.

Friday, August 12th

450 Florida Street, SF

@ Z Space

Doors @ 7, show @ 8

21+ only. $15 pre-sale, $20 at the door.

Info & tix available at www.blunderyears.com

We’re also giving away one Price is Right entry ticket, which gets you into the running to be a contestant in one of three game rounds during the Price is Right portion of the show!  All you have to do is tell us your best (or worst) teenage drama story in the comments!  You have until Tuesday, when we’ll pick the best one.  Let’s hear those stories!

Ping pong news

We’re happy to report that in addition to the main table at tonight’s event, this handsome custom-made mini ping pong table will be on hand. Exercise a completely different skill set with a game or two on it!

American Tripps starts at 7PM sharp!

[via Ariel]

Verdi Club gets indie on Saturday night with Royal Baths’ last SF show

The Bay Bridged presents its annual celebration of local music at the Verdi Club tomorrow night. Here’s a list of reasons you will want to attend:

  1. Little Wings are rad.
  2. This is the last Royal Baths show in SF as an SF band. They’re moving on up.
  3. They’re raffling off Outside Lands tickets and Treasure Island tickets, and other stuff.
  4. Food by Rosamunde and Rocky’s Frybread.
  5. The Verdi Club is the bomb.
  6. Great DJs will keep the dance party going well into the night.
  7. While supplies last, attendees receive a free hand-screened poster.
  8. My sister says Sea of Bees are rad.

What more could you possibly need? RSVP and invite your friends here. Get advance tickets here.