Horsing around at Dolores Park

Reader Mike, who sent in this photo and basically wrote the headline, explains:

We saw some cheer leading going on so we offered our horse masks.

Why not? Thanks, Mike! This is almost as cute as the barfing horse from earlier!

Maybe all these ‘FART’ tags are actually an anti-BART political statement

The last one we saw was a bit more stylized. This one is just a big old FART plain as day.

Anyway, I still think the most effective BART-related political demonstration we’ve seen happened years ago.

Protest shuts down multiple BART stations, enthralls Twitter

Scope #opbart for the latest.

UPDATE: Montgomery and Powell are closed too.

No eating in bars?

According to local bartender Rachel, the author of Mission Drinking Rules, a recent feature from Night Fog Reader, one should never eat in bars:

Why are you bringing your burrito/BBQ/whatever stinky food you got and think its OK to scarf that down in a bar? I’ve seen this for years and it will never stop. You stink up the bar, you smell like what you just ate, and you are thatperson. I would never ever ever ever eat at a bar, and I work at one! I would rather go eat outside than sit at a bar and look like a dumpy eating a burrito by myself.

I mean, I wouldn’t try to eat a burrito at Beauty Bar on a Saturday night, but, “never ever ever ever” seems like a bit much. For instance, sometimes you need a nice cool veggie sandwich to compete with the intense heat of, say, a chilaquile bloody mary (which is my plan for about 20 minutes from now), and sometimes it’s fun getting a pizza delivered at 1:45 so you have something in your belly to soak up all that whiskey and pickle juice you ordered at last call. And I love eating outside too, but sometimes the weather in San Francisco is not so good for something like that. Right? Maybe not.

[Photo by Tara Hunt]

West Oakland artist bootie call

Hot local comedian Moshe Kasher hips us to the hot new local hookup:

[via Janebook]

Barfing horse

Penelope Popsicle photographed this. See three more iterations of this barfing horse here.

Chilaquile bloody mary

That’s right — it’s green, baby. Tomatillos, chiles, jalapenos, garlic and a touch of habanero. I think there’s a splash of Torpedo Ale in there. Marinated radish garnish. And hot. Real hot.

Monday afternoons only, some time after 1:00. Blind Cat (formerly Dirty Thieves AKA Treat Street). Free barbecue too. Might want to call ahead for a more exact time if you’re on a tight lunch schedule.


Smokey, this is not ‘Nam, this is the Mission Bowling Club, there are stiff fees

It looks like the future of the Mission Bowling Club is in jeopardy, thanks to $44,000 in “special fees” which San Francisco is imposing on Sommer Peterson, the gal responsible for the project (which, we’ll remind you, includes bringing back the Mission Burger). So what exactly constitutes a “special fee”? The Examiner breaks it down:

The Planning Department is imposing extra “impact fees” on Peterson because officials say she’s converting a warehouse — which is zoned as light industrial — to entertainment use. As part of major rezoning in 2008 of The City’s eastern neighborhoods, including the site of the warehouse, an impact fee was established to help pay for community benefits such as parks or road repairs. Impact fees account for about half of Peterson’s $44,000 tab; the other half is for a Muni transit fee, which has been on the books since 1981 and was extended citywide in the early 2000s.

Read on for more of the trials and tribulations of the Mission Bowling Club.


DIY coat of arms

Miss Jones says:

My neighbor has this hanging just below my staircase. People always ask me about the significance of the scissors, I’m not really sure.

Love it. Read on.