

Beautiful swear wear

Remember Beautiful Swear Words? Fucktard. Vajayjay. FUUUUUUUUUCK. All your favorite curses illustrated by hand. We saw the T-shirt potential and the call has been answered.

Each shirt will be available for one week. The first? “SHIIIT“.

A note to our young readers: you probably can’t wear these at school. Once my friend Cameron wore his “Green Day: Dookie” T-shirt and our science teacher sent him to the principals office! He said the shirt was “drug related”. Whatever, old dude.

Mission Cliffs replaces bouldering floor

Heads up, climbers: for the next two days, the bouldering area at Mission Cliffs will be closed as new foam floors are installed. Meanwhile, new problems have been set on the main floor. And there’s always Valencia Cliffs

Check out the installation’s progress on Mission Cliffs’ Facebook page.


Rash of purse thefts at Mission dive bars

From our pal Anna:

I was having an excellent 29th birthday celebration, hanging and drinking and singing with friends at Jack’s for Thursday karaoke night. I had my purse tucked away with my friends’ various jackets on the bench in the corner, along with a bottle of wine in a gift bag that a friend brought for me. When we got ready to leave the bar around midnight, we found that the bottle of wine was there but my purse was gone. It was a purple cloth purse, with a long strap. This sort of ruined what was proving to be a really awesome birthday celebration. I’m hoping that someone picked it up by mistake, and/or took it on purpose but would now kindly like to return it to me.

And a similar thing happened to another friend of ours at Slow Jams at the Make-Out Room on Tuesday. (It’s like they’ve targeted all the best parties in the neighborhood — careful at Diary this weekend!) The thieves grabbed her purse off a hook under the bar while it was inches away from her, and then they identity thieved her mom! Keep an eye on your stuff, girls and European guys.

Two art openings to attend tonight

The first because it features work by Carina Johnson. We use Carina’s photography so much here on the blog that we should really just have her on the payroll at this point.

The second because it’s nothin’ but Jihaari. You might remember Jihaari Terry from the Q&A we did with him last month all about common courtesies and working in the service industry.


The Waiting Game

I was walking from Potrero to the Mission yesterday and came across an empty car seat, facing out toward my neighborhood and I wondered, is it true? Are babies coming to the Mission? It’s a neighborhood that is no stranger to change. The Irish settled here to raise families, as did the Latin Americans, but the newer wave of artsy-hip kids mostly came on their own, leaving the idea of parenthood back home with their parents. But now, as their random hookups start moving in and they can stave off adulthood no more, will they decide to start their families here, or move out to the suburbs to make way for the next group?

San Francisco the drink

What oh what does it taste like? (And would RayRay get pissed if I ordered one?)

[via Sexpigeon, who is currently on holiday in Norway]

Local graffiti writer proposes plan for addressing SF public transit woes

Sebastien Giniaux Quartet at Revolution Cafe tonight

While it’s more popular than ever, Gypsy Jazz is still somewhat of a novelty in the US, mostly enclosed within a festival circuit and core group of acoustic guitar nerds (myself included). In Paris, however, “Jazz Manouche” is a part of the culture. Guitarist Django Reinhardt was one of the very first international European jazz stars, and is highly revered by all generations of French musicians to this day.

Sebastien Giniaux is one of the greatest young guitarists in this style in Paris, and therefore probably one of the best in the world. I’d be hard pressed to think of any world-class guitarist of any style that wouldn’t be blown away by his virtuosic technique and endless improvisational ideas. I had the pleasure of seeing him perform an intimate house concert on Sunday, and he was incredible.

Tonight Seb plays at Revolution Cafe with his quartet from 8:30pm-11:30pm. If you want to see something amazing, stop by, even if it’s just for a couple of tunes.

Here’s a clip of Sebastien (left) playing with another amazing French player, Adrien Moignard:

Some sort of revolution or a Ke$ha concert

The Tens on yesterday’s BART protest:

I either stumbled upon some sort of revolution or a Ke$ha concert, not sure which. [link]

Blam! Yep, it’s definitely looking like the graffiti is gonna more effective in the long term.