Two or three concerts to consider this evening

Airfix Kits rule. Watch and learn:

Maus Haus rules too. They’re playing at the Knockout tonight, and here they are performing in the girls’ bathroom there:

(I’m going to the Dukes of Hamburg show though.)

Flash mob organizing at Atlas Cafe today to simultaneously stare at laptops

This just in from blues/ragtime guitar genius and national treasure Craig Ventresco:

Bring your own laptop to join in the fun. Or, if you wanna watch the music, you will not be disappointed. Craig plays every Saturday from 4-6pm at Atlas Cafe and you might recognize his music in the movie Crumb, by Terry Zwigoff.

Homies Last Supper

I don’t know about you, but my last supper will definitely be pizza with homies:

If you want to see this diorama in person (and who wouldn’t?), stop by Escape From NY Pizza on 22nd and Bartlett.

P.S. Can someone do one with M.U.S.C.L.E. figures next?

Swan (aka the Pigeon Whisperer, John Ratliff) by Troy Holden

Somehow I didn’t know that Troy Holden has a tumblr. It’s full of gems like this breathtaking shot of local pigeon whisperer Swan, and I don’t know why he isn’t racking up thousands of “likes” per post. Go follow him, if you’re into this internet stuff.

Be sure to check out the documentary on Swan, while you’re at it.

American Trippin’

The last edition of American Tripps was another smashing success. Here’s some proof — in glorious black and white — courtesy of our pal Joshua Cobos:

See the whole album here. (Tag yourself, tag your friends.) And do RSVP and invite your friends to the next American Tripps, which is coming up on Friday, September 2nd.

Iconic 19th Street ‘Mac and Cheese’ sidewalk etching gets filled with actual mac-and-cheese powder

And then you suck it out with a straw? Fair.

(Thanks, Melena!)

Reward for safe return of missing green couch

Company mascot? I think I might be interested in investing in this company.

(This item comes to us via the official Mission Mission Facebook wall. Thanks, Cowen!)

Sad hour under the Golden Gate Bridge


When traveling to exotic locales (like Orange County), it’s always amusing to see what passes for adequate representation of your home. Thus it was with cautious enthusiasm that we ambled in to the Alcatraz Brewing Company to sample the fare.

Sadly, our misgivings turned out to be correct, as the menu featured the same basic sandwiches, salads, and sides that can be found at any surburban eatery, although I must admit that the sweet potato fries were quite on point (especially with the accompanying melted marshmallow cinnamon dip). But I’m not going to sit here and sneer like an entitled local; they did the best they could for how much they care.

What I can bitch about, however, is their very un-SF happy hour policy. We arrived just after 6 in the midst of a 4-7 happy hour but were told by the hostess that the happy hour section was full but that we could sit in the regular section. The only catch was that this was the “sad hour” area, as all of our drinks would be regular price.

“So lemme get this straight,” I said, “those folks in the table FIVE FEET away from us get their beers for $3 while ours cost $6?”  The hostess animatedly replied, “Of course, that’s how happy hour works everywhere! That’s how it works at El Torito!”

El Torito. That’s how it works at El Torito. Well then!

It’s good to be back.

A fistfull of Cold Beer dollars


When trying to take advantage of the Dolores Park 2-for-$5 cold beer special, try to pay with smaller bills, as handing over a twenty will net you a most unsightly pile of gross, bunched up ones and fives from the cavernous pockets of Cold Beer (no water) himself, stuffed unceremoniously into your outstretched hand.

Let’s just say you wouldn’t want to insuffolate any substances through these babies…

Ye olde graffiti crew doth representeth on local wall