You’re a 45-year-old rock musician about to release a comeback album in 1986

Here’s a fun game, courtesy of local rock historian David Enos:

It’s 1986.  You’re a 45 year old rock musician who is about to release a comeback album.  Your face is wrecked but your handlers picked out a new blazer and pair of jeans that will make you look more in step with the times.  Don’t forget to roll the sleeves up.  What do you call this album?

Find out here.

[Graphic by Art Moth]

American Tripps means Berlin-style ping pong this Friday [WARNING: Poster may induce seizure]

American Tripps is back, everybody! That was a rough two weeks off, am I right? RSVP and invite all your friends here.

P.S. There’s a new album of crummy cellphone pictures from the first two weeks up here.

Here’s what the rehabilitated Dolores Park is going to look like

Fine by me. I’m just happy there aren’t any new staircases bisecting the shelf.

Dolores Park Works gets into more detail:

The road system remains essentially as sketched early on in the process. One spur connects the corner of 18th and Church with Dolores, hugging south side of the tennis courts. The main route picks up near the new maintenance building, in the  north-west corner and cuts across almost the entire park to the new playground and picnic areas.  The designers have narrowed much of the road from a proposed 14 feet to 12 and where it crosses the North Field, 10 feet.

Read on for details on bathrooms and stuff.

Viral marketers pwned by South Asians

Where do you stand in the raging indie/Indian turf wars? (Oh, you hadn’t heard about that?)

Words With Friends says ‘jorts’ is not an acceptable word

Holy crap, and now my browser is telling me jorts is not an acceptable word. TECHNOLOGY IS FAILING US AT EVERY TURN!!!!

[via xtine]

Batman at SFPD’s Mission Station

[via landyacht]

No pets for rent


“We only sell them.”  But seriously, why is it so difficult to find a place to live in this city that allows you to have loveable, furry pets? Is the chance that Rover might drop a deuce on the carpet so great that landlords just don’t want to deal with them? Isn’t that what security deposits are for?

I’ve got an empty room in my place, a glorious 28×14 uber room, but all of my friends who have expressed interest are saddled with felines and sadly that’s a no-no according to my landlord. Attempts to negotiate a “pet deposit” have also gotten nowhere.

For that matter, I want a cat myself to love and cuddle! I’m missing out on a lot of mutual affection here! I suppose you could always go rogue and just get one anyway, but that seems like quite the risk.

What is the deal with landlords and pets?

Walter May

Walter May

Sofa free Sunday


Get some rest and relaxation in while you can.

Prehistoric beast spotted in Dolores Park

It’s a lovely day for a thunder lizard to laze upon the lawn. Get thee to the park!