Pica Pica wall keeps changing


But these guys are not half-assing it. Solid art.

Kevin sees the new piece as homophobic, depicting Dan Plasma as a feminine tiger (sitting on flowers, long eyelashes). We know there’s controversy here. We know how Mike Giant feels about it. In a way it’s pretty amazing to be able to watch a dialogue play out through amazing artwork on a wall. We just wish it came with less beef.

Sparkly sidewalks

Readers Nick and Sarah wrote in with an interesting question:

On Valencia, most of the new sidewalk (roughly 15th to 20th st) has an excellent sparkly nature to it.  Something has been mixed into the concrete to give it a sparkly (most lovely under streetlights at night).   We want to replicate this…. but what is it?  Quartz? Gold?  No one seems to know….. do you guys have an answer?

Although we’ve noticed this on Mission Street as well, we do not have the answer (although I highly doubt it’s gold).  Do you?

[Photo by Marco Valtas]

Purse/identity thefts at Mission bars continue

Another one happened at the Make-Out Room this evening. The victim had her purse right next to her, hanging on a hook with a jacket over it. Next thing she knows, the jacket is on the floor and the purse is gone. She looks for a it for a bit, reports it to the staff, goes home, starts canceling her cards. Already there is illicit activity on her accounts. Within minutes of the theft!

This ring is speedy, people. Keep your stuff close. Tell your friends.

Shooting at 20th and Hampshire

I talked to some cops and some bystanders. Apparently two perps ran up on a kid and shot him around 11:30PM. He might be dead. The shooters fled northward on Hampshire.

UPDATE: Mission Local confirms:

Later on Tuesday, at 11:30 p.m., another man was fatally shot at 20th and Hampshire brining the number of homicides to three

Read on.

Shot in the head (because of a case of mistaken identity)

Mission Local reports:

A 22-year-old cook who had just gotten off work at Hogs and Rock was shot and critically wounded at 12:30 a.m. Tuesday as he stood on San Carlos, just around the corner from the restaurant, witnesses said.

Police are saying that it looks like a case of mistaken identity and they are looking for two male suspects between the ages of 25 and 30.

A witness who lives in the building above Hogs & Rocks said she heard two young men ask the cook, who is also the father of two children, if he was in a gang. “No, no,” the cook responded.

Read on.

UPDATE: Our buddy Wesley was there as well. Here’s what he saw and heard:

I was watching a movie. I hear two gun shots, which were distinctly outside of the movie and sounded very premeditated, with a one second interval between them. I cracked my blinds and saw about five people standing around a body in front of Hog and Rocks, talking about witnesses. It took about a minute for several emergency vehicles (including police cruisers) to come in from every direction. I watch someone do emergency CPR for what felt like close to 15 minutes. Later, a crime scene investigator who had examined the body and the surrounding area walked by my window on the phone and said the gunman walked up to the victim and shot him twice in the head and walked off.

Also, we added the above photo by @codykung (via @docpop and Ariel).

Mission girl goes to Detroit, makes rap video about biking and boys

You might remember Breezee One from her list of Mission boy romantic red flags that everybody loved so much. Her hot new music video for “Bike Chase” just might be even better:

Is “Bianchis, Peugeots, Cinellis, Fujis” the new “Gucci Gucci, Fendi Fendi, Louis Louis, Prada” or is ”Bianchis, Peugeots, Cinellis, Fujis” the new “Gucci Gucci, Fendi Fendi, Louis Louis, Prada”?

[via Racoon Lyfe]

Uptown Almanac’s Comedy Night at the Roxie tonight will be a fond farewell to the ‘Mayor of the Mission’

Kevin over at Uptown Almanac today shares one big reason why we all need to head over to the Roxie tonight for comedy night. In short, because our buddy Jeff Cleary:

For those of you not in the know, he’s hosted dozens of shows at 12 Galaxies and The Purple Onion, has lived a hundred feet from Delirium since before it was ever called Delirium, is, as Sean Keane says, “basically the Mayor of the Mission,” and tonight is his last show before leaving town for the foreseeable future.  We’re all bummed he’s hitting the road, but tonight will be a one helluva send-off.

Hitting the road? Gee, Jeff, we hardly knew ye. Bone voyagee!

Read on for more choice Jeff material, or buy advance tickets to tonight’s show here.

There’s an alien in your avocado

[via Sleepner]

The best burrito in the city is not in the Mission

UPDATE!!!  CUCO’S is now open on Saturdays!  Get thee there now!

There’s always a ton of bluster on the internet over the quest to crown the best burrito in the city, but somehow lost in the discussion among the heavyweights such as El Farolito, Papalote, and Cancun stands the family-owned and operated CUCO’S in the Lower Haight.  Here, you can find the greatest veggie burrito ever imagined, a fried plantain masterpiece that’s so good it’s even been known to force renowned carnivores to rethink their status.  Despite being one of the aforementioned meat-eaters myself (although my Okcupid profile might read “mostly vegetarian”), I have no qualms with stating that this burrito rivals a super al pastor from Farolito or mole-what-have-you from Papalote solely based on its own merit.  But don’t just take my word for it; check out what the experts at Burritophile have to say:

In no uncertain terms, Cuco’s plantain burrito is the best vegetarian burrito in the city. Maybe the world . . . If you’re really lucky, Mrs. Cuco will cook the fruit long enough for the edges to get carmelized — chewy, sweet goodness . . . The fruit lends an element of flavor and texture to the mix that you just don’t find in most grilled veggie burritos. The sweet, earthy taste of the plantains is a perfect match for the rest of the ingredients.

He’s also not kidding about the Mrs. Cuco part.  This is a real family-owned venture, with the Mrs. Cuco handling the plantains while her daughters help with the other stuff.  I believe I’ve even caught a glimpse of Mr. Cuco back there too.  The orders are always taken with a smile, and they take the time to make sure you get all the options right.  Mrs. Cuco will usually even offer a playful verbal jab if elect to go with the non-spicy salsa!  She’ll usually remember you as well, and will often inquire about the well-being of your friends or family if you come in alone when she’s used to seeing you with a specific group.  This might sound rather banal, but it really goes a long way to contribute to the family atmosphere of the place.

The price is also splendidly cheap, which brings us to the one drawback: the limited hours of operation.  Owing to the family-run nature of the place, you can only get a CUCO’S burrito from 12pm-9pm Monday through Friday, as the taquerestaurant is closed late night and on weekends.  Nonetheless, you’d be doing yourself a severe disservice to live in this city without trying the plantain burrito at least once.  I know what you’re thinking: “The best burrito in the city is a veggie burrito from Lower Haight?”

Well, yes, it is.  Now do it to it.

[Burrito photo by dapperdanj]

[Exterior Photo]

Neighborly love note painted over ugly tags

[via Meesha]