How to score chicks

Newly reopened Palace Steak House makes unfriendly corner friendly

We ran into our buddies Jen Gann and Andi Mudd at Bender’s last night and we were like, “Why aren’t you eating tater tots!?” And they were all, “Because we just ate at PALACE STEAK HOUSE, doy!” Then we said, “How was it? Wait, no, tell us about it later — in an email.” Here’s the email:

After work, we headed over to the newly reopened Palace Steak House. Due to the idiosyncratic dining-room design, we were denied immediate seating. The wait at the bar, however, yielded fruit. Perhaps because our party of three took up four stools (the fourth stool claimed by an overwhelming balloon bouquet), our waiter inquired about the occasion.  We admitted to a birthday in our midst, and almost instantaneously received two slices of cake. We nibbled these delicacies while sipping self-obtained cans of Budweiser. Both were encouraged.

Once seated, our party ordered without hesitation: three T-Bones, baked potatoes, and garlic bread. Everything was exactly as expected. Highly recommended.

And here’s a related IM conversation:

Jen: Andi and I just sent you an email.
me: Reading now.
So excited!
Wait, BYOB?
Jen: Totally!
me: Whoa.
Jen: They just whisper to you, “If the beautiful princess wants to drink…”
me: Whoa!
I love this place.
Jen: Yeah, it makes that unfriendly corner friendly.

What a review! Thanks, Jen and Andi!

Nesquik bunny dances to patriotic Jesus

Our pal Andy was shooting on Mission down towards the SOMA and caught this priceless “only in San Francisco” moment.  Take the Nesquik bunny’s advice: when confronted by an intense gentleman wearing a red, white, and blue “HE ONLY LOVE YOU JESUS” shirt shouting profusely about how only the aforementioned son of man can save us from terrorists, make like Lady Gaga and just dance.



Women Dancing on the Women’s Building

Cat Party at Bender’s

Apple ‘tests’ iPhone 5′s theft-tracking feature at Cava22

Woah, deja vu.

Just like last year, an iPhone prototype was “misplaced” by an Apple employee. This time, in a Mission bar! Cava22, to be exact, a place surely devoid of tech-savvy hipsters hoping to sneak a peak.

The phone was lost in late July, but using the built-in tracking features it was traced to a home in Bernal Heights. When investigators arrived and questioned the guy, he recalled being at Cava22 but denied anything about having the phone.

Suuure, dude. So someone happened to throw it in your bag and you somehow managed to keep it charged for a month?

Can’t wait to see how this develops.

[via CNet, photo by potentialpast]

Brian Wilson writing Giants-themed graffiti on area wall

Suck it, property owners! Cool tag, Brian!

(Kinda weird how he’s hovering six inches off the sidewalk though, right?)

[via Storts]

UPDATE: From the looks of his Facebook page, the artist seems to be from Philly. Here’s an exchange with a fan on his wall:

Anthony Mangano: I hate Brian Wilson

Get up: HAHA I expect lots of that! They love him out here tho, doin it for the people haha

Toilet horror

[via C'mon Pony]

Early electro, new wave, dark wave, punk and post-punk TONIGHT

Here’s the deal, according to Wam Bam Ashleyanne herself:

10PM-2AM. No cover.

All vinyl cuts from a darker side… early electro, new wave, dark wave, punk, post-punk. I’ll have some Slits, Echo & The Bunnymen, and Adam Ant in tow. [link]

I went to this party last month and it was funnnnnnn. I love soul and techno as much as the next guy but it was fun for once to go to a party in the Mission that wasn’t soul or techno.

How to reclaim public space by building a DIY bench and sitting on it

Our pal Broke-Ass Stuart just texted this image in. I believe he’s already hard at work on a bench of his own.

Dolores Park baby rapture


Abandoned baby stroller, a pile of clothes, a gaggle of pigeons. Remember when there was all this talk about babies invading the Mission? I think their time may have come and gone.

Don’t get doored

Streetsblog made this illustration of how bike lanes are actually smaller than they might look, because you have to avoid doors. Here’s a good factoid:

According to the SFMTA, dooring is the second most common form of injury collision involving cyclists, behind unsafe speed, though the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition (SFBC) points out that dooring is the highest injury collision type caused by motorists or their passengers.

For goodness’ sake, don’t get doored! I see so many people riding really close to parked cars, traveling at high enough speeds that if a door pops open they’re fucked.

Read on for news about some possible changes coming to SF bike lanes. But the main thing is, stay out of the door zone, for goodness’ sake!

[via jwz]