The most popular garbage can in the Mission

There must be something absolutely alluring about this particular trash can at 15th and Valencia that makes it the detritus destination of choice for passerby despite the stark emptiness of its cohorts across the street.  Luckily, we were hipped to its widely regarded esteem when we noticed the gentleman walking ahead of us finish his coffee and, noting the fullness of the receptacle, nonetheless elected to toss his finished cup at the base of this bin rather than hold on for an extra 10 seconds and deposit it in the empty one across the street.

Surely there must be something magical about this garbage can that compels pedestrians to favor it over others even when at maximum capacity?  Unfortunately, an exhaustive search revealed no unicorns or leprechauns.

We did find an empty box of Lucky Charms, however.


It takes a crane

Cheezy new way to conceal your alcoholic beverage in the park

[via Vic]

SFPD says you should feel perfectly safe

Mission Local reports:

Despite the third deadly shooting in the Mission in less than a week,  Police Captain Greg Corrales said that “residents and visitors should feel safe.”

“[Police Chief Greg Suhr] has given me all the resources and personnel that I need” he said. “We have a lot of officers out there. Other than this unrelated homicide, it’s been pretty peaceful since the two gang shootings.”

It’s unlikely that gang members would want to retaliate with a heavy police presence on the streets, he said.

Read on. (Oh, but there was also another shooting.)

Bevy of BART bards

Check out BART Musicians, an “ongoing project aiming to highlight the people and the music that makes the lives of BART commuters better on a daily basis.”

[via Wam Bam Ashleyanne]

Craig Ventresco and Meredith Axelrod – Cold Mornin’ Shout

Here’s Craig Ventresco and Meredith Axelrod killing at Porto Franco Record’s Mission HQ. She’s just playing guitar in this one, but Meredith is also a remarkable singer. Check out this clip of her singing about the lost San Francisco dance sensation, the Grizzly Bear.

In case you missed it, they play every Saturday at Atlas Cafe from 4-6pm.

Bartlett street coconut man

Boy do I love this guy. You can catch him operating out of a truck on 22nd and Bartlett by Revolution Cafe. The only distinguishing markings on his truck are “Lucero Produce, Daly City”. I don’t know if this is Mr. Lucero himself, but let’s just call him Señor Coco:

Order a coconut for 3 bucks, and he expertly opens it for you with 2 carefully placed chops of the cleaver. He doesn’t seem to mind high-velocity coconut debris flying out in every direction, so I suppose you shouldn’t either. He sticks a straw in and there you go, the freshest and best-tasting coconut juice around. This is quite a contrast to the pleasant young folks at Bi-Rite who will do the same, but based on the time it takes they are probably scratching their heads in the back room for a while looking up “how to open a coconut” Youtube videos on their smartphones.

Here’s the real edge: when you’re done drinking the juice, bring it back. He’ll crack it open, scrape out the pulp, and serve it mixed with chili powder, lemon juice, and salt in a ziplock bag. If you’re in a hurry and want to take everything to go, he’ll dump the juice in another ziplock bag and chop it up for you in one session. His regulars seem hip to this, since the wait can get long.

The first time I visited Señor Coco, he spoke to me completely in Spanish, but not in a “I’m not gonna speak English for you, yuppie scum” kind of way. It was more like a “you seem like a pretty smart guy who might know some Spanish” kind of way. It’s sorta true. I studied Spanish for 4 years in high-school.  This means I just suck at Spanish as opposed to not knowing Spanish at all. I cobbled together some phrase that demonstrated I knew the subjunctive tense and he laughed. This dude is always in an awesome mood.

I asked if he’s here every Saturday and Sunday and he says “yes, señor, I’ll be here waiting for you!” Couldn’t tell if he’s just bullshitting with me about his availability, but I’ll definitely be checking again next weekend.

Rad homemade Lady Gaga jacket

(Thanks, Shannon!)

Treeful of fake fruit


(Thanks, Shannon!) (Bon voyage, Tegan!)

Hot new look for summer: Bright colors, bright smiles

Thanks, Erin and Jack!

Facebook won’t let me publish the name of a class I took at SF State

UPDATE: Facebook rectified the situation within a little over a day of my posting this, and wrote in to tell me so. Thanks, Facebook!

That’s what the class was called, man! “IR 361: Terrorism and Covert Political Warfare.” It was popular and well attended. And Facebook wants to DENY ITS EXISTENCE.

Anyway here’s what I went with:

Because I’m a hacker.