Should you watch TV on an iPad while dining at a popular restaurant in the Mission?

Local iPad expert (and SFist Editor) Brock Keeling (pictured) weighs in on the controversy surrounding some gals watching tennis on their iPad while eating at Flour + Water last week:

When horrible Bay Area diners aren’t taking photos of their food (stop that, please), sporting shorts and a North Face jacket (stop that too, please), or having a bowel evacuation in the bathroom (restaurant loos are for peeing and hand washing only), they’re now watching epic sporting battles on their iPads. Very rude. Very self-centered. (Then again, so is worrying over the behavior of other customers, which is really none of our business. We digress.)

But. The invention of the iPad is also a blessing in disguise for patrons and parents alike. Why? Because kids love — like, instinctively love and understand — the iPad. They just do. Add a pair of headphones and you have the perfect quiet-child-in-restaurant scenario.

Read on for the full story.

Pearl Jam sidewalk stencils hit San Francisco

[via You Wear It Well]

Coconut stands in the Mission ain’t got nothin’ on the ones in Athens

So says our buddy Kiya from Self Edge, currently abroad. Here are some pics to prove it:


The secret kickstand

Even though it might not seem like your bicycle has a kickstand, the knowledgeable folks at Mission Bicycle were kind enough to let everyone in on this sparsely-used feature:

Using your crank arms and a curb, you can keep your bike standing tall. So rather than risk dings or scratches from posts and trees, try this clever technique. Your bike will remain pristine and your manipulation of gravity will be undeniable.

Read on.


Locking up through the rear triangle

What a pair

What A Pair

Medjool’s roof deck is open for business, legally!

SFist delivers the good news:

The legalization of Medjool’s rooftop party palace comes with a few stipulations. Namely: fewer people allowed up there, a smaller space and no more live music.


At least one commissioner (rightly!) agreed we need to have more roof top bars in San Francisco, but pointed out the commission should probably figure out the size and noise guidelines for approving those first so we don’t end up with more of these drawn-out battles.

So, see you guys at Medjool as soon as we’re done with work/our DJ party? Cool.

Read on.

[Photo by Kevin Hahn]

PBR salami


(Thanks, Jefe!)

Local graffiti types love Herb Caen

And he wasn’t even a real native! (Born in Sacramento, eww!)

[via Last Renaissance]

Come DJ with us!

We’ve got a room going on Turntable. So far there’s me, our business manager Nick Pal, our pal Cosmic Amanda, and real-life DJ Tristes Tropiques, who you might remember from Friday’s edition of American Tripps. If it’s fun, maybe we’ll make it a regular Friday afternoon thing.

Join us:

UPDATE: It’s a party in here…

UFO over the Mission

Reader Mat L. captured this footage last night:

Anyone see this last night, over maybe Dolores or slightly beyond? I shot this from my place in the MIssion, and it was inside the fog, couldn’t see Sutro.. so.. somewhere between here and there.

Here’s more: