The line for Rosamunde is way the hell out the door

Probably in part because tonight is the last night to cash in your 100%-off coupon from Scoutmob, but also because Rosamunde is THE BOMB.

Herbie the Love Bug cruises past Dolores Park

From Herbie’s Wikipedia entry:

Herbie is an anthropomorphic Volkswagen Beetle, a character that is featured in several Disney motion pictures starting with the 1968 feature film The Love Bug. He has a mind of his own and is capable of driving himself, and is a serious contender in auto racing competitions. Throughout most of the franchise, Herbie is distinguished by red, white and blue racing stripes from front to back bumper, a racing-style number “53″ on the front trunk lid, doors, and engine lid, and a yellow-on-black ’63 California license plate that says, “OFP 857″.

I wonder if this has anything to do with this.

Now let’s all watch the German trailer for Herbie Goes Bananas:

First look at Rhea’s new storefront + Bay Area Check Please tomorrow night

Big things in store for everyone’s favorite deli dive, Rhea’s. First, check out this architect sketch of the proposed new storefront:

Not sure what’s up with the pink-clad ballet ghost in front of the doors, or when to expect construction to start, but this seems to indicate business is good which is fine by me.

Also, Rhea’s Deli will be on Bay Area Check Please tomorrow night. If you actually still have TV, tune in and see some clueless dork complain about the lack of fine dining service and valet parking options. The rest of us can see it on their blog in a few days.

[via @RheasDeli]

Update: More great news: starting October the deli is open every day, with the possibility of extended hours.

Super epic mac ‘n’ cheese grilled cheese cheese string

Well done, son.

[via Alissa]

Lil Mama lyrics scrawled on area hybrid sedan

First Billy Joel, now this.

(Thanks, Kathleen!)

Tortilla flower


What’s the best way to heat up a bunch of tortillas in a short amount of time? Putting them on a baking sheet in the oven just seems wrong. One by one on the stove-top burner secures the optimal texture but is time consuming and requires constant babysitting.

The best we’ve been able to come up is the tortilla flower. The best part is you can flip it all at once!

CONTEST: Win tickets to Bob Mould in conversation with Shepard Fairey

Noise Pop and City Arts and Lectures are presenting a very special conversation next Tuesday starring rock legend Bob Mould and street art icon Shepard Fairey. Here are some career highlights from the winsome pair:

This should be fun!

To win tickets, in the comments section below share your best Bob Mould- or Shepard Fairey-related anecdote. A winner will be chosen based on merit by noon this coming Friday.

Read more about the event here, and purchase tickets here.


Topless Jell-O wrestling at Bender’s! [NSFW!]

Happy 8th birthday, Bender’s!

[Photos by terry.b; more here.]

Billy Joel lyrics scrawled on area emergency callbox

[via Pen Pop]