Bike Basket Pies pie cookbook coming soon

From the looks of this snapshot posted last night on the Bike Basket Pies blog, the long-awaited Bike Basket Pies cookbook is nearing readiness.

In other words, my Christmas shopping is done, son!

Democracy, war, terrorism and justice – and food trucks and a beer garden

Z-Space and YBCA have joined forces to present a very unusual blockparty this evening (and tomorrow evening):

Our buddy Jack gives us the rundown:

This Friday and Saturday night, we are shutting down Florida street between 17th and Mariposa for a combination video performance art piece and block party. The show is called “The People: San Francisco”, and is being put together by a really talented group of artists.

With a beer garden at Coffee Bar, a full bar at Z Space, multiple food trucks, and live performance in addition to city block-size video projections, this should be a really rad event.

Sounds really rad indeed. Starts at 8PM. Get tickets here.

Park(ing) Day morning roundup

[Photos by Helen Tseng]

Lots more after the jump:


Coffee shop etiquette: Should you bring a big porky torta to a coffee shop that only serves muffins and granola?

A big, steaming, porky torta. This guy across from me was quick about it, and tidy for the most part. No big deal?

I tend to think it’s okay to eat outside food in bars that don’t serve their own (while one Missionite in particular thinks it’s a heinous affront), but is the coffee shop a different story?

New local music blog makes first foray into concert promotion

Positive Destruction (whose name comes from that Pitchfork article about the burgeoning SF garage/psych scene) spent the summer proving itself to be a useful local music resource, and now they’re throwing their first event.

I know for a fact that Pamela rules, but see here for more info on all the bands including some mp3s for your listening pleasure.

John McLaren’s original vision for Dolores Park

Looks about right. It’d be wild if the slopes were more rigidly terraced like that though, right?

In any case, Dolores Parks Works says Rec and Park’s recent release of the Historic Resource Evaluation Report (which includes this historic sketch) might gum up the works with the forthcoming Dolores Park renovation:

The key historical period for Dolores Park is 1905 to 1966 ending when the Mexican Liberty Bell and the statue of Miguel Hidalgo were added. There is a wealth of original elements in the park dating from this period and the plan for Dolores Park drawn by John McLaren, the master gardener of Golden Gate Park is still evident. Therefore, Page & Turnbull conclude, Dolores Park has kept her historic integrity and “any projects which contemplate alterations to the park are therefore subject to review by the San Francisco Planning Department, and should be carried out in compliance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties…”

Read on.

Local homeowner pays street artist to tag his home

Bernalwood shares the homeowner’s explanation:

I saw the Brian Wilson stencil created by Get Up in the Mission (Valencia and 19th, roughly?) and loved it. I’m a fan of street art in general and stencil art in particular, and I’m a big Giants fan. So it seemed natural to try to figure out who put it up (sometimes of course that’s a challenge, as street artists want to remain anonymous).

A quick Google or two later, and I’d found Get Up, who has a Facebook page. I asked him by email if he was making T shirts of the image (which he was – he sold some over on Fillmore this weekend). In the course of that email exchange, he mentioned that he was headed out to put some more art up that evening. I jokingly suggested he tag the open, south facing wall of my house (which faces a small empty lot). The next thing you know, he says as long as it’s ok with me he’d love to!

Read on to see how it went.

See here for an explanation of why Brian Wilson’s pants are so baggy.

[Photo by Telstar Logistics]

Free beer at Shotwell’s next Thursday if you’re wearing a Shotwell’s shirt

Plan ahead! (You can go to that URL or just pick up a shirt at the bar.)

Bandit goes big on Valencia

[via lmc]

UPDATE: Btw, if you’re curious, this space is eventually gonna be a New Orleans-style jazz club, restaurant and cafe. Read all about it.

Left behind

Left Behind