SFPD inspector advocates white flight

Reader Jason left the following comment on our post about last night’s shooting/stabbing/car wreck:

7:25, I saw this car speeding away from the guerrero st shooting…was in my room, window open (streetside), heard 3 shots coming from the Valencia Gardens guerrero street entrance..then a pause, then full on 8-10 more..this was proceeded by people screaming, guy running and this car, scene above, speeding away north on guerrero…it’s 10:30 and cops still have the scene blocked off and are posted up outside..just used the Mission Mission images to confirm with the cops outside that this was indeed the car I saw. funny side note, the inspector’s first question to me was when my lease was up..she suggested moving. [link]

To which reader mission watcher responded:

I know that the cops have a lot on their hands and they can’t be everywhere at once, but it’s pretty infuriating that they suggest moving instead of actually doing their job and monitoring trouble spots like this one on Guerrero.

And it definitely appears to be a trouble spot. The night previous, our pal Erika tried to get a reservation at neighboring Mission Beach Cafe over the phone. The host told her not to bother coming in, and when pressed, explained thusly:

There is a man outside with an automatic rifle, so you probably should choose to dine elsewhere at the moment.

Serious trouble two nights in a row. Shall we all move to Hayes Valley?

Stabbing and/or shooting leads to epic car wreck at 21st and Folsom

“What happened!?” It’s quite a story. Listen to this audio interview with a neighbor who was on the scene shortly after the incident. And scroll down to see the pictures to which the interview refers:

Epic wreck at 21st and Folsom by Allan Hough

Folsom Street closed between 20th and 21st:

A wheel, still attached to part of an axle or something:

A car with a missing wheel, being examined by police:

Police officer telling a couple neighbors to go back inside or leave:

A minivan leaves the scene:

Neighbors spectate:

Handstand kick fight

To flip-flop or not to flip-flop?

Local journalism student Emily has beef with the fashion police:

Dear San Francisco Footwear Elitists,

Yesterday, in a blatant act of defiance, I did the unthinkable: I wore flip flops outside of my house. I wasn’t going to the beach, I wasn’t even going to the park, I just didn’t give a fuck.

I rode Muni, I walked around, I lounged at a cafe in Hayes Valley, all while letting my feet enjoy the Indian Summer weather. And believe me, they loved it. They missed their soft brown leather Rainbow flip-flops. Meanwhile, my friends were in their usual footwear, Doc Martens and ridiculous Jeffrey Campbell heels. Yeah, no thanks, I already have a low tolerance for heat so I will spare my feet from the discomfort.

I’m from San Diego and as a result I essentially spent the first eighteen years of my life in flip-flops and jean shorts sitting on the beach. I knew early on that this habit would not be welcomed in my new home for obvious climate-related reasons, but I quickly learned that that was not the only restriction.

Read on.

[Photo by Carina's mom]

Today’s pizza

Got an IM from Mike Chino a little while ago:

Mike: Today’s pizza
Marinated Mushroom and Artichokes with Parmesan and Parsley
headed to arizmendi
Sent at 1:09 PM on Monday

Followed closely by the following SMS:

Omg it’s amazing

1:34pm 9/19/11

Yum! I already ate lunch, but I know what’s for dinner. Thanks, Mike!

Troll window goes disco

If you don’t already know about the troll window, it’s right around the corner from Taqueria El Buen Sabor on 18th and Valencia. Currently, it’s rocking this epic display.

CONTEST: Win tickets to Treasure Island Music Festival pre-party starring Jens Lekman at the California Academy of Sciences

Here’s Jens Lekman’s new single:


The party, presented by Cal Academy and Noise Pop, takes place on Thursday, September 29, 2011. To win tickets, leave a comment below describing the moment you realized you love Jens. A winner will be chosen based on storytelling merit and awarded a pair of tickets. Contest ends at noon this coming Friday.

Buy tickets here if you’d like.

And don’t forget, Treasure Island Music Festival 2011 is just a few short weeks away!

Kids say the darnedest things (about outmoded technologies)

Like Mission Mission on Facebook for more fun such as this.

True goblins

Ever been to Hayes Valley? Then maybe you know these characters, described here by local urban anthropologist (and illustrator) David Enos:

[T]he one in the poncho “fishes” for change using a cup attached to a stick.  When he’s away from the office, (presumably not gone fishing) he weaves the stick and cup through the criss-crosses of the cyclone fencing for safe keeping.  They are horndogs.  I heard them once talking about how hot Red Sonja, Brigitte Neilsen, was.  “Red Sonja…man oh man…MAMA!  Red Sonja…hot as fuck…” Somehow, they have attracted a woman who hangs out with them.

Read on for talk of asses and corncobs.

Eating the hottest pepper in the world

Local photographer Nick Fisher recently sat at the bar at Dr. Teeth and ate chicken wings covered in a sauce made with bhut jolokia, the ghost pepper.