Complete Breakfast

I guess I wanted to follow that last food post with a counterargument.

[Photo by SF Gov]

Fuck Yeah Farro!

Today’s installment of “Things San Franciscans Like” over at the SF Appeal tackles a wily beast — food:

[I]n San Francisco things are a little different. Everyone here knows everything about food. When was the last time you witnessed a San Franciscan open a menu and shout, “Fuck yeah farro!”? If your answer is you’re witnessing it right now, you are correct.

Read on.

[Photo by TheDapperDiner]

Inside Jerry Garcia’s Backstage Hippie Kitchen

Judging by the chatter I’ve been hearing lately, the Grateful Dead are about to get cool again, so, enjoy:

[via Hippy Kitchens]

Historic Kahn and Keville Sign Begs Taggers to Tag It

The gag here is cute, but more intriguing is the question it begs: Has the historic Kahn & Keville sign ever been notably written upon?

(And by the way, tags can be elevated too.)

[Photo by Nowhere Fast]

Shorts Weather


Valencia Street Green Wave Here to Stay

Streetsblog reports:

Valencia Street’s nearly two-year-old Green Wave signal re-timing aimed at prioritizing bicycle traffic speeds continues to please street users, city leaders, and advocates alike. What started as a temporary pilot will become a permanent institution this week with the installation of four new Green Wave signs along the corridor.

“Green Waves are the most recent example of the SFMTA finding innovative ways to further improve cycling in San Francisco,” said SFMTA CEO Nat Ford.

Following examples in cities like Copenhagen, Amsterdam, and Portland, the signal optimization keeps vehicles traveling at a steady cycle-friendly 13 mph from 16th to 25th streets while garnering benefits for all users.

Great! But how come this blog post is the first time I’ve noticed the signage pictured above? Maybe those need to be bigger so motorists will see them too and stop gunning it from red light to red light. Read on.

[via Urban Velo]

[Photo by Bryan Goebel / Streetsblog]

Super Dog Walker


Bummed that the shady check cashing spot refused his kryptonite-for-cash offer, Superman takes a moment to recalibrate, hopes buoyed only by the thought of all the children in Venezuela named after him.

The Food Version of Four Loko

Curbed editor Sally Kuchar sent us an amazingly useful video about pork products and Four Loko.

Check it out below, but first, a disclaimer:

If you are at all interested in turning a carnivore into a vegetarian or turning a possible immigrant to this country away forever this video may be of use to you. However, if you have recently eaten food or if you plan to try to eat some food sometime today or if you are pregnant or hungover or have any kind of negative reaction to realizing how disgusting we all are you may not want to watch this video. In addition, if you value the time you have on this world and don’t want to spend it watching videos made by white trash bozos act as if they’re funny because they’re only pretending to be white trash bozos, then you may want to walk away from the computer and kiss someone.

(Thanks Sally!)

Molasses Guinness Donut

Whoa. This is my own fault; I don’t make it to Dynamo all that often. But how come all anybody ever talks about are the maple bacon one (pictured) and the spicy chocolate one (pictured) — when there is  MOLASSES GUINNESS ONE (not pictured) THAT TASTES EVEN BETTER THAN IT SOUNDS?

Anyway, now I know.

[Photo by Scott Beale / Laughing Squid]

What Will Become of 24th Street’s Iconic Discolandia Storefront?

Discolandia sits nearly empty, a going-out-of-business sale in its final days, the space for rent.

Not that I ever went in there or anything, but I think we can all agree, whatever happens, the next tenant better not even think about touching the signage. How do we get it on some kind of registry of historic stuff?