
I guess I should start leaving the Mission once in a while.

[Photo by Man Freckles]

Banksy is Back?

It appears that Banksy heard about the challenge we offered him last month and decided to respond!

Or this is the work of some sort of copy-cat artist.  Check it out under the bridge at Dolores Park and decide for yourself!

(Thanks Bryan!)

Can’t Touch This

I have no idea whether the “T” was omitted accidentally or we have a very clever painter on our hands, but I am sure as heck NOT going to touch that wall.  For all we know, there could be some elaborate transduction mechanism that taps directly into your nocireceptors, or perhaps some dude pops out and beats you with a bucket of water.

Anyone brave enough to find out?  Watch your self.

(Thanks Tom!)

New JanSport Backpack Has Insulated Burrito Pocket

[via Honey In Yr Brain]


Beretta’s Certificate of Honor from Gavin Newsom


[Photo and additional commentary by Corntard]

World Records

You remember artist Maria Forde from that rad Herzog/Kinski t-shirt every single one of us has, right?

Tonight at Curiosity Shoppe she debuts a new series of works illustrating various world records her friends have set. I’m pumped!


I Heart Street Art


Kids Say the Darnedest Things, Like ‘Stupid Hobo’ and ‘Poop’

You guys should definitely pop over to Guerrero Gallery where a new show made up of works of art that contain words just opened.

The featured piece is a collection of paintings made by a bunch of Boston school children with the aid of artist Caleb Neelon (AKA Sonik) who you might remember from an interview I did with him for I Heart Street Art a while back. Here’s an exchange we had regarding tagging:

At this point we’re standing on a sidewalk across from a janky Motel 6 in the Tenderloin. There’s a tag on one of the building’s exterior walls, a wall that is otherwise caked with about a thousand layers of grimy Tenderloin taint. So we start comparing this modest tag on a dirty building to something like a whimsical cartoon character painted on some small business in the Mission.

Caleb says he certainly identifies as a hand-style nerd, meaning he can appreciate the subtleties in even the most hurried little black-magic-marker tag. So he harbors no special ill will toward the tagger in this case. In fact, Motel 6 being a big corporation, should have no problem having systems in place to keep its walls clean.

Bold! (Read the rest.) But possibly not as bold as this new work at Guerrero Gallery. He asked a group of kids to put down on canvas the nicest or meanest thing they have had said to them or have said to someone else. Which begs the question, which one is the following?

In any case, these two pics I’ve shared are just the tip of the iceberg. Go see for yourself!


Dudes Say the Darnedest Things

Sexy-Ass Electric Cars at the 2011 Detroit Auto Show

Right? Don’t you just want to hump it?

Our boy Mike Chino just got back from a whirlwind trip to Detroit, reporting on green stuff for Inhabitat.

See here for seven hot green rides that just might be vying for parking alongside neighborhood Minis and Priuses in the years to come.

Smiley, Bow-Tied Guy in Bunny-Eared, Pig-Nosed S&M Mask

Nice. Or, is it racist? Like maybe it belongs at that vintage paper fair thing.

Draft Anchor Steam Only $1.50

And Negra Modelo to boot! This is even better than that $1 Pabst deal at Bender’s tonight!