Ibiza Time in Dolores Park

Nice tee!

[And what a snap by Corntard!]

Walgreen’s Ninja

This guy can definitely be on my team.  Don’t snicker, or he’ll whack you with his leveling stick.

Delano’s to Become ‘Fresh & Easy’?

The former location of Delano’s, which generates a lot of discussion here for some reason, may soon be replaced by a Fresh & Easy Neighborhood Market. “Fresh & Easy”? That sounds like the kind of girl you’d want to date. If you are a breakdancer. And it’s the 80′s.

From Curbed:

A little bird just told us that grocery chain Fresh & Easy is this close to signing a 20-year lease for the recently shuttered Delano’s space on South Van Ness in the Mission.

Get the scoop at Curbed SF.

[image via Curbed, thanks Sally!]


Delano’s Going



Area Man is a Sexy Mufucker, Poet Too

Snapped on 17th and Mission.

Drivers of Environmentally Friendly Performance Automobiles Enjoy Rhea’s Sandwiches

This completely electric Tesla Roadster was parked in front of Rhea’s Deli for a couple of hours on Sunday. Apparently rich, eco-conscious speed freaks love Asian-fusion sandwiches and are exempt from current CA yellow curb traffic laws.

If you want my completely not-a-car-guy evaluation, the thing is the size of a Miata and has lots of cool vents. It also costs as much as a house in Concord.

By the way, since when did the benches in front of Rhea’s become such the hang?

Update: Yellow curbs aren’t enforced on Sundays.

Today: Tell the Board of Supervisors to Save KUSF

We’re all bummed that both Joey Ramone and KUSF are gone — but it might still be possible to resuscitate the latter. Start by attending this afternoon’s rally prior to the Board of Supervisors’ meeting.

From the official call to action:

The University of San Francisco acted in bad faith last week in the gross mishandling and sale of its student and community-run radio station of 33 years, KUSF.  Last Tuesday the station was abruptly taken off the air with no forewarning to the community, station volunteers, students, or faculty.

City Hall, 1pm. Be there!

[Photo by Bobby Castro via All Of Them Witches]

Full press release after the jump:


I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends With Benefits

Our pal Tracy Clark-Flory over at Salon is trying to deduce whether or not friends-with-benefits arrangements can really work:

My friend Adam, in his late 20s and married, told me about a “friend with benefits” in college who “constantly smelled like cigarettes and had really weird looking thumbs.” He wrote to me, “We’d watch ‘Jeopardy’ and ‘Seinfeld’ together each night. First time we slept together it was after the one where Jerry and Elaine decided to do so. Of course it’d work out — look at them! Sigh. We were 19.” Despite the casual pretense, it turns out she wanted it to turn into something more.

Read on.

[Photo by Chelsea Green]

The Best Veggie Sandwich in Town?

We Built This City just discovered yet another entrant in this age-old contest: The Golden Beet Loaf Sandwich at Atlas Cafe. They even go so far as to say it’s better than the widely beloved Plant Cafe Plant Burger, which also leans heavily beet. Do you believe it?

Hermetically Sealed Living Art

“Ok, there’s only enough oxygen in there for a few hours, so try not to breathe too much.  We’ve got to make this last the whole weekend.”

If you walked down Valencia at all during the beautifully sunny weekend that we all just had the pleasure of enjoying, you must have noticed these poor souls trapped inside the window of Artist Television Access, the rad non-profit media access company that always seems to be up to some neat stuff when they’re not committing crimes against humanity.  Be sure to check them out if you’ve ever got some free time and a creative streak, or if you just want to see what’s new in the artistic community.  Besides indie film festivals, art installations, and aesthetic workshops, it also makes for the perfect spot to throw a Berlin Ping Pong Disco Party:

Photo by Malcolm M.

UPDATE!!! They are having a FUNraiser this weekend!

A Shooting Tonight On Valencia

Valencia Shooting

On Valencia Street between 14th and 15th. The block is closed to traffic as of 8:15 pm tonight. Witnesses heard between 6 and 8 shots. Apparently the victim got up and ran down Rosa Parks Lane, or thereabouts. It sounded like stray shots may have also gone into the windows of nearby homes.

Now word comes from the police that a disturbance is developing on the next block in the Sunrise Hotel.

Please be careful out there.