Chili Cookoff at Shotwell’s This Sunday

More info:

Hey guys! We’re having a chili cookoff this Sunday at Shotwell’s. Local pros vs. patrons. It’s free to enter (limited # of spaces left though). $5 to taste the chilis and vote for a favorite. Cash prizes for the winners. $2.00 PBRs and Labatt Blue. Starts at 2:30pm.

See you there!

iPhone App Determines the Mission is ‘Where the Ladies At’, That You Are a Creep

Where the Ladies At? is an app for the iPhone that answers an age old question: “Where [are] the Ladies [currently situated]?”

From the app description:

Looking for ‘dem ladies?

Well stop the search, cause we found ‘em.

The where the ladies at iPhone application is a compass pointing to the venue with the most ladies. Done by the fine gents at It could be a bar it could be a cafe, who knows!

But look: judging from the screenshots, it turns out “the ladies” are at a couple of Mission bars! Specifically, the Latin American Club and the Elbo Room. Anyone want to head over and scope the scene for the rest of us fellas?

From what I can gather, this app aggregates foursquare checkins in San Francisco coming from, well, ladies. Then it finds the location with the highest concentration of said ladies and shows you a big ass arrow pointing you there, because apparently people who need an app to find ladies have an innate poor sense of direction.

Now what the user will do with this information is anyone’s guess. But if this is his preferred method of meeting babes, I’ll bet he’ll just sit in a dark corner and elbow his “wingman” while making a a head nodding gesture towards the ladies in question.

[Thanks jacobchills!]

‘Greetings From the Mission’ Postcard

I put out a thinly-veiled request for someone to postcard-ize the awesome picture of SF comedians in Dolores Park, and reader “someJuan” delivered.

There were a couple more attempts in the comments, but let’s face it, someJuan clearly did the best job… and he did it all on MS Paint on Windows 3.1! The guy has skills is what I’m saying.

Agh! Cars, Man, WHY?!

You’ve seen Portlandia by now right? If not, I think you’d better watch all of their web clips right now.

Say, someone should pitch a sketch to Portlandia showing people posting on a blog about how they are surprised you haven’t heard of it yet.

New Meter Critic

New Meter Critic

There are better ways to express dissatisfaction with these new parking meters that accept debit cards and adjust the price based on available spaces. You can weigh in on the Parking Meter Cards Program on Yelp, or even contact the SFMTA directly.

Save KUSF Rally Starring Ty Segall Tuesday Afternoon at City Hall

Starts at 1pm! RSVP and invite your friends via the official Facebook event page!

And to whet your appetite, check out Ty Segall’s recent guest DJ appearance on the KUSF Archives right about here.

[Photo by Dylan Bigby]


Do You Remember Rock ‘n’ Roll Radio? SAVE KUSF

KUSF Memories: I Am Naked

How To Replace Your Bike’s Handlebars With A Land Rover Steering Wheel

I was just kidding about the “how to” part, but it looks badass, right?

Girls Girls Girls, the best blog about globetrotting young people I’ve ever read, snapped this picture in Amsterdam or something I think.

‘It’s Sunny in the Mission’ Says Possible Mission Anthem

Our pal Christina recommends a song:

I wanted to share this song which I think could kind of be a Mission anthem, my friends wrote it so I may be a little biased, but doesn’t it just want to make you go lay out in the sun in Dolores Park? Feel free to share with MissionMission fans. The band is called The Cannery and they’re local.

Listen to the song in question here. Might be a little mellow to be the sound of the Mission, but it’s good.

Thanks, Christina!

[Photo by Carina]

Mr. Peanut and Mr. Pickle’s Lovechild

Q: What do you get when you cross a Mr. Peanut, of Planter’s fame, and a Mr. Pickle, of Mr. Pickle Sandwich Shop on South Van Ness?

A: Mr. Pickle’s classy spats-sporting cousin in SOMA, Mr. Toad’s.

Don’t worry, Mr. Pickle. Your cousin is in the recording and rehearsal space business and poses no threat to your empire.

[via MM reader Shawna]


Epic Mr. Pickle Saga

Reminder: Huge Winter Sale Still Going Strong at Box Dog Bikes

The Box Dog Blog has a bunch more sweet deals listed right here.