Bomb Squad Bomb Robot Drops Bag of Grenades, Accidentally Drives Right Over One Near 18th and Potrero [VIDEO]

Yeah, so somebody found a bag of grenades in a garage, the bomb squad comes in, they shut down Potrero Avenue, they run a robot in there, KTVU starts showing some live video, robot picks up the bag to ferry it out to some kind of disposal unit, and as it’s cruising down the sidewalk, the bag splits and grenades — GRENADES — start spilling out. But the robot doesn’t seem to notice, and ROLLS RIGHT OVER ONE.

KTVU has the whole long video here, but nothing beats the above screenshot.

(Thanks, ZB!)


Potrero Not a Good Travel Option This Morning BECAUSE OF GRENADES

Potrero Not a Good Travel Option This Morning (Because of GRENADES)


Since it happens to be closed off to traffic from Mariposa to 19th. Something is going down near the 18th Street intersection, as there are firetrucks, cruisers, and even DPT Cushmans on the scene, in addition to that auspicious black truck-van.  So, unless you prefer to be late in whatever endeavors you undertake this morning, try to find another route.

UPDATE!!! Apparently this closure was due to the fact that GRENADES were found there!  Too much Call of Duty, folks.

Cool New Band Out of Chico

They’re called Ankhs. Music fan David Enos is thinking about checking them out:

Cool new band out of Chico, “Ankhs”.  Gonna be rocking at the Stork Club on Telegraph on a West Coast tour in a couple weeks, supporting Cumulus Zen and Rainy Day Woman (acoustic).  Thinking about checking em out.  Free barbeque in the back, 4:30 pm.

Not convinced? Check out this little documentary film:

[Image via David Enos]

A Good Samaritan Tries to Return a Lost Item at the Front Desk at the Goddamn Public Library

Janebook is about to rile you up:

Earlier today I was totally distracted and left my phone on top of a paper towel dispenser in the restroom at the Public Library on 24th Street. Realized a few minutes later, ran back down to look for it and it was gone. I went to ask the lady at the desk if anyone had turned it in and she said nobody had turned anything in that day. Honestly I wasn’t expecting anything so I wasn’t too surprised, just assumed someone had taken it, and was at least consoled by the fact that, were this the case, they wouldn’t gain much from selling it as it’s a first generation iPhone that’s three years old and has a shattered screen among myriad other problems. So imagine my surprise when I get home and go on Facebook to see that two of my friends have messaged me saying that a guy called them saying he found my phone and wants to return it. So I call the guy, arrange to meet up with him. He’s incredibly nice, refuses to take the reward money I offer him, but here’s the fucked up part. He tells me that after he found it, he tried to turn it in at the front desk of the library, but the lady told him “I’m busy right now. Just take it.”

Yo, that’s fucked up! Either the SFPL needs to hold a bake sale so they can afford to hire some decent people, or dudes are going to ever-crazier lengths to meet Jane in person. Read on.

[Photo by Carina]

American Airlines Flies High

Now that I’d like to see stenciled on a Valencia Street sidewalk.

[Photo by Mike Monteiro]

Levi’s Returns to Valencia Street With Some Graffiti of Its Own

First, Levi’s opened a shop on Valencia Street. The community had differences of opinion on this matter. One member of the community, a performance vandal named Elle, allegedly wrote some graffiti all over their storefront. And then somehow ended up in court on some kind of charges, and then did some (more) viral marketing work for Levi’s. And Levi’s closed their shop and left Valencia Street.

And now they’re back, pimping their Dockers brand via some ugly typography and a Facebook URL. Reader Sara S. reports:

i saw this illegal marketing on Valencia outside of Modern Times bookstore. I’m pretty sure the City Atty just sued Microsoft for doing the same thing (!).

and disguising it as some sort of anti-establishment political statement?! come-on. “If you wear our boring, kacki pants then you’re not just selling out at your corporate job, but rather, you’re making history?”  or maybe they’re trying to soothe those who are feeling hopeless by making them feel better about their unemployment? deep or not, it’s still criminal acts committed by a corporation in our neighborhood!

I don’t even know where to start. Is some marketing tool at Levi’s going to have to go to jail for this? Or at least court, like Elle? Or maybe Elle is in on it?

In any case, it’s even uglier than Microsoft’s ugly stencil.

‘World-Class’ Cesar Chavez Improvements Are A Go!

It’s been a long time coming, and now it’s going to be reality. Streetsblog reports:

A long-awaited blueprint to significantly improve safety and livability conditions on Cesar Chavez Street was approved by SFMTA Board today, culminating nearly a decade of community input and planning.

“This is the final step for approval of this really great project,” said Marc Caswell, program director of the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition. “This project has been in the works for years, and watching the Department of Public Works, the Public Utilities Commission (PUC), the SFMTA, and everybody at the Planning Department come together to build this world-class project was really inspiring and a great example for how future projects should come together.”

I can’t wait! Read on.


Imagine A New Cesar Chavez

Southern Pacific Brewing Company Coming to Treat Avenue

Mission Local reports:

In the same north eastern Mission District area where big-name breweries like Hamm’s and Rainier once stood, Anthony LaVia plans to open the Southern Pacific Brewing company, a new brew pub and restaurant that promises to return the Mission to its brewing days.

But while LaVia, 33, envisions the revival of the Mission as a hub in which the Rainier Brewery used to produce up to 350,000 barrels per year, he’s taking his plan one step further:  once opened, Southern Pacific Brewing would become the first brewery in San Francisco to host a dual license, allowing it to produce beer to sell on site as well as to other commercial clients — such as bars and restaurants.

Dual license! Epic! Read on. (Thanks, Jacob!)

[Photo by Southern Pacific Brewing]

Portrait of the Artist as a Preschooler

Even James Joyce needed to start somewhere.  In case you didn’t know, there’s a unique little preschool here in the Mission whose mission is to prepare children to always respect and exude creativity through art, music, and other non-traditional methods (like constructing forts and giant robots).  If you’re a little confused, fear not, since they will be hosting a documentary at Brava Theater demonstrating exactly what makes the Buen Dia Family School and its methods so special.   Check out all the details here.

All I know is that I wish I had the chance to construct giant robots in preschool!

[Photo by Kozy Shack]

Your Last View of Zeitgeist’s Interior

Last Looks at Zeitgeist's Interior

In a dumpster.