Fort Funston Fun

It’s still totally gorgeous, you guys. When was the last time you made it out there?

You know you’ve been meaning to make a trip, maybe bring that friend of yours who’s never been? Do it to it!

West Portal Merchants Association Funds Parking Meter Pole Beautification Project

Why can’t we get something like this going in the Mission!?

Oh, because it’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever seen? That makes sense.

And Now for Some CSA Humor

“Leeks are the corn of winter[!]” Ha! So true!

I love leeks.

[Humor by Monkeytone News] [Photo by Haley Pierson-Cox]

San Francisco, 1979

Glorious, right? So Much Pileup found this illustration in some old magazine. Now can we get it on a t-shirt?

New York looks pretty good too:

Read on for Chicago and New Orleans, and the whole story.

[via Glitter for Breakfast]

What’s Going on with All That Laundry Somebody Installed on Bernal Hill?

I think it has something to do with Egypt. Bernalwood has more pics and a little bit of explanation.

‘Pigeons Are Ancient Wizards’

MrEricSir posted these videos about Swan, AKA the Pigeon Whisperer, who we mentioned a few of days ago. The documentary was directed by one of his best friends and ex-coworkers of 30 years.

Turns out Swan’s real name is John Ratliff. He was once a gifted television news reporter and father of four until schizophrenia overtook his life and moved him into the streets, where he has rejected any help from his family and friends. It’s really an amazing and tragic story that you should set aside some time to watch today.

[via MrEricSir]

WANTED: Folsom Street Bike Lanes

Wouldn’t it be lovely if this lovely stretch of Folsom had some bike lanes?

Well, tomorrow there’s a hearing to see whether neighbors think it’d be a good idea or whatever. Reader Brian C. lays down the details:

I noticed one of those “SFMTA Public Hearing” notices near my house at
24th and Folsom today, and the item that caught my eye was:


Folsom Street, northbound, 14th Street to 24th Street

Folsom Street, southbound, 13th Street to 24th Street”

I hadn’t heard anything about this until I saw the sign, but that
would be pretty great for the cyclists in the neighborhood. So the
hearing is Friday, Feb 4, at 10 am, in Room 416 of City Hall. We
should really get people out there to support this, because almost
certainly there will be car/NIMBY types there to try to shoot it down.

The notice is online [here]

Thanks, Brian!

[Photo by Google Maps]

Wouldn’t It Be Cool If There Were A Restaurant in There?

On the second floor, with the big windows?

Vietnamese Street Food on Valencia Tonight!

Chúc Mừng Năm Mới!  And what better way to celebrate than with Vietnamese Street Food?

So inspired by the sidewalk dining and street food we ate in Vietnam, we have recreated the experience here in our hometown — complete with small tables, even smaller stools, fresh Vietnamese condiments, Cambodian pop music, and delicious food of course! We’re serving up Vietnamese comfort foods such as stuffed chicken wings with a thai chili sauce and crab sautéed glass noodles.

Drop by our terrace at a private residence near 20th and Valencia to grab some grub on the go or take a seat at one of our mini-tables to do it up, Saigon-style. We’ll tweet our exact location on February 3rd; follow @littleknockand @kitchensidecar to receive the tip.

I might not be able to make this tonight, but I expect a detailed report from the field, readers!

Cherry Blossom Drama

Remember, it is NOT okay to pick these cherry blossom branches.  Nobody cares that you are planning the most romantic Valentine’s Day ever for your significant other by trying to recreate the opening sequence from Samurai Shodown in your bedroom.  Please respect the amazing cherry blossom clip art that was created specially for this informative sign.

There are better ways to get cherry blossoms, folks, and it’s not from these embattled trees on 19th Street @ York.