Scrabble Love Note

It’s almost cute, except for that its author clearly doesn’t know how Scrabble works.

This is not ‘Nam. This is Scrabble. There are rules.

[Photo by We Built This City]

No-Pants Dance

A Lot of Crows in the Mission

I was just sitting down to this highly recommended yam sandwich, when I overheard someone at the next table, a little angry, a little sad:

You know what I’ve noticed? There are a lot of crows in the Mission District lately. It didn’t used to be that way.

Didn’t it? ‘Sup with all these crows? Global warming again?

Tao Cafe on Guerrero Serves Great Vietnamese, Is Not Epicly Crowded Like Sunflower

I lived down the block from Tao Cafe for years and never went in. Mistake!

My new favorite meal is their vegetarian “Spring-to-Summer” rolls filled with tofu and warm vermicelli, followed by the “Sweet Mekong Bass” coconut curry dish, all washed down with a cold Ba Moui Ba. The duck confit (pictured) looks pretty good too.

And check out the sweet view from the front window.

[Photo by Eric]

Epic Classic

This car should be in an awesome low-key indie movie.

I would’ve rushed over to determine its make and model, but I was eating. Car geeks?

UPDATE: It’s a Corvair. Thanks, FFO. Now, has a Corvair been in an awesome low-key indie movie or what?

Sports Car Drivers Park However the Hell They Want When Visiting the Mission on Saturday Night

That guy’s not even in a real space. He backed into the little triangular area that CR-V behind him is supposed to be able to use to get out. And he’s blocking the bike lane. And he’s probably partying at Blondie’s. Nice, dude.

Tasteful Tag Defaces Small Diagram of Paper Towel Dispenser Instead of Actual Paper Towel Dispenser

Subtle work, Jaut!

(You might remember Jaut from that time I went to a panel discussion featuring four real-live street artists.)


Slices Go QUICK at Pauline’s Pizza 25th Anniversary Party [VIDEO]

What Happens When A Party Bus from the Marina Makes a Stop at Debaser?

What happens!?

You see a lot of non-ironic preppy outfits instead of just ironic preppy outfits. Quite refreshing.

Obscenely Tall Photographer

Further research revealed that:

1) No, he was not wearing stilts.

2) Does not play professional basketball.

Nonetheless, just imagine the possible angles!  Sir, if you have a flickr account full of birds-eye views, kindly send it our way.

Obscenely Tall Dancer

This dude was so busy freaking out all the children with his fancy stilt-work, he had to leash his attack puppy to a fire hydrant to guard the Airstream (and prevent unnecessary hipster maulings).  Yes, it’s being towed by an Acura SUV with a kayak.

Let’s see, I’m just going to categorize this one as “Life in the Mission” and call it a day.


Global Warming is Real