Keep in Touch Operating System? Kyle is The Old School? What does this mean? Mollie claims to have the answer, but is unsure of the language.

On the back of the bar at The Uptown.

UPDATE: And like that it seems we have the answer from Scott: “Short for Kim and Toni’s, previous owners of the bar.”

Fair enough, thanks Scott. Though I still like “Keep in Touch Operating System”. Which would be a good name for a touch screen year book interface.

Transbay Terminated

We Built This City captured this stunner of a shot today.

Seems like only yesterday I was marveling at the glories of that grand old place.

Why’d You Get Arrested?

Not awesome at spelling though.

Emily Anne Reed: Mission Contestant On American Idol Tonight

Hey I know you don’t have a TV anymore, but you should find one to use tonight, because we got a homegirl competing on American Idol this evening.

Emily Anne Reed is a local jazz, country, and blues singer who performs regularly at places like Amnesia, the Rite Spot, and Revolution Cafe. If the scene above looks familiar, it’s because it took place at the Mission apartment building on 16th that burned down on August 14th. She lived there. Will this be exploited by the producers and paired with solemn solo piano music for full dramatic effect? Maaaybe.

Here’s the promo spot. Tune in tonight to cheer her on:


Here’s her audition from last night.

Here’s her


Fire Fire Fire

Dress Like Robin Williams… By Buying His Clothes

GayCities reports that Robin Williams recently dropped off a bunch of his old threads at the Mission Thrift Town, so if you’re a husky fella who likes designer clothes by Sergio Amante, Kiki Tanemura, and Romane (I made those up) head on down and own a piece of showbiz history.

Word has it that he also dropped of the tux he wore to the Academy awards while accepting his Oscar for his performance in Toys.

Ok, it’s too easy to poke fun at Rob, but he actually seems like a pretty swell guy. Listen to his interview on the WTF podcast if you’ve got an hour.

[GayCities via SFist]

Sabretooth Town

Today over at the Bold Italic, Kelly Malone of Indie Mart tells us about her love life:

There’s a taboo to the term cougar, much like the played out “hipster” tag. No one actually  wants to be called one, myself included. However, I  am 36 and dating guys a decade younger.

Let me point out, I have nothing against guys my age, and I don’t rule them out. But it’s funny (as they say) that as I get older, the dudes I’m dating stay the same age. I’m drawn to the hallmarks of these 20-somethings – the sound of skateboard wheels coming down the street, the sight of postgrads paying for their coffee with quarters. I don’t need a financially secure, established guy. I need adventure!

Adventure is the best! Read on!



Mission Street Food Cookbook Coming Soon from McSweeney’s

From Publisher’s Weekly:

Another book on the imprint’s inaugural list is Mission Street Food: Recipes and Ideas from an Improbable Restaurant by Anthony Myint and Karen Leibowitz, who founded Mission Street Food, a pop-up restaurant in San Francisco. Myint now runs Mission Chinese Food, which, though not quite at Momofuku’s level, has achieved a sort of cult following among San Francisco foodies. Juliet Litman, publicity director for McSweeney’s, said the $30 hardcover, which pubs in late June and does not have a tech component, “will be a totally new take on the food book style, including recipes, instructions on how to run a profitable and charitable restaurant, and much more.”

Can’t wait! Read on for more on the new McSweeney’s cookbook imprint.

[via Mission Local] [Photo by Michelle L]

Muni Map Displays Weather

Muni Map Displays Weather

Predicts fog for the eastern half of The Mission.

Celebrities Love Dynamo Donuts

Famous people are always invading our favorite Mission food spots these days.  Whether it’s Lady Gaga at Rosamunde (or El Farolito) or Steve Jobs at Flour and Water, celebrities seem to constantly be seeking that “edge” with their suppers.  Perhaps that validates all the rest of us who live here, or maybe it just makes us trendy.  Not Dave Chappelle though.  He just really likes Indian food, and Pakwan has really good Indian Food.  (One time I saw Sarah Silverman at St. Francis, but all she ordered were egg whites.)

Oh yeah, I almost forgot about this fellow in the limo outside our “it” donut shop.  Whoever it was obviously forgot to consult Sexpigeon, the undisputed expert of Mission donut appreciation.  Aw, now I miss that guy.  New York does not deserve him.

Swedish Invasion

Look at these cool looking Swedes! Fashionist managed to snap some pics and chat them up a bit during their visit to the Mission. Now let’s all put on some Little Dragon and read all about it.