Misplaced Living Room

Your Living Room

Someone left theirs outside.

Dolores Park Orgy

This is the most safe-for-work image from the Dolores Park Orgy our pal Man Freckles witnessed last night.

He also got a cock shot and some nips. And some prologue or something.

Happy Valentine’s, everybody!

The Galley Serving ‘Alternative Pub Food’ in the Kitchen at Clooney’s

Can you guys read that? There’s a fancy sausage, a fancy beef tongue fatbread thing, a sandwich that’s basically french onion soup on a sandwich, a fancy peanut butter and jelly, and ribs. Sounds good to me, but does this mean no more $1.50 hotdog-and-beer special nobody ever got?

On the other hand, now maybe Clooney’s won’t be known as the worst place in town to take a first date.

Oh and they’re serving all day every day, 11am-10pm or so.

SF Weekly has the full story of the Clooney’s kitchen makeover and the dudes running the place here. [via Eater SF]

Richland Ribity

We Built This City brings us this fresh Ribity at Mission & Richland:

(Any explanation for the x-eye on the left Ribity?)

Photos of the 17th Street Bike Lanes

Bike lanes on 17th Street? It’s good news any way you squeeze it. But if we’re cutting to the chase, here’s the deal: The part of 17th Street up by the 500 Club looks like the above, while the part down by the Uptown still looks like the below:

I’m not complaining. I’ll take what I can get.

BART Anniversary Tickets

Cranky Old Mission Guy posted these terrific BART anniversary tickets. They really stepped it up with the 1992 Back to the Future-inspired design. Has anyone seen 2002′s? Also let’s not forget that the 2012 anniversary tickets are right around the corner, if we survive the meteor.

Bacon, Asparagus and Egg Sandwich


Time for lunch!

Bike Lanes on 17th Street Finally!


Kickass! I for one am definitely going to get out of bed at some point today and check them out.

Water Main Caps Go ‘Plink-Plink’

Don’t you love when one of these boys gets loose and goes “plink-plink” or “plonk-plonk” when cars or bikes roll over it? Sometimes at rush hour you can get some serious rhythms going.

San Francisco Hipsters, 1966

This photo “by William Gedney” is dated “circa 1966-67″ but I’m pretty sure I saw these two at the Oh Sees show the other night. They were drinking microbrews and didn’t seem very into Sic Alps. I’m pretty sure.

[via India]