Breezy Nix

This is Breezy Nix. She looks great in an animated GIF, she’s hot stuff in Berlin, her live set is deadly rad — and she’s making her North American debut Saturday night at Amnesia.

The show’s cheap, the rest of the bill looks funnn, and the B. Nix set will probably blow your mind. Let’s dance:

RSVP and invite your friends via the event’s official Facebook page.

[Animated GIF by A. Hough]

Fixie Fail


‘Wise Sons’ Pop-Up Jewish Deli Every Saturday

Evan wrote in to tell us about his new business, Wise Sons Jewish Deli:

My business partner Leo and I had been lamenting the lack of Jewish Deli in San Francisco and the Bay area for quite some time. Eventually, we took matters into our own hands and began to make pastrami in our backyard a few times. We soon realized that a home made, hand cut pastrami was pretty much one of god’s gifts to mankind and that we just might be crazy enough to open a deli in SF. Wise Sons’ vision is to make as much as possible from scratch and get the rest from small local artisans and distributors. We will bring deli food into the new era of local, sustainable, and delicious.

We are currently working out of La Cocina and serving out of Jackie’s Cafe, 105 Valencia @ McCoppin on Saturdays from 9-2. This will be our 5th week there and our second time doing sandwiches. Dianna, our slicer, has experience slicing meats and is the only female slicer in the country. She’ll make you a mean pastrami on our house made rye bread. We’ll also have other options including our debut of Matzo Ball Soup, homemade bialys with lox (we have a vegan bialy sandwich as well) , a corned beef hash breakfast sandwich, chocolate babka and a vegeterian reuben.

Only female slicer in the country! Vegetarian reuben! Let’s go!

Full menu after the jump:


Car Window Smashers on the Prowl?

Reader Gurnek S. writes in with a public service announcement:

Has anyone else noticed a higher volume of car window smash and grabs in the neighborhood recently?  A month ago my girlfriend’s car and my roommate’s car were broken into on South Van Ness at 24th St within two days of each other.  And yesterday, while walking my dog to Garfield Park I saw no less than 6 cars with smashed windows on Treat between 24th and 26th.  Then again today, I saw another car window smashed on Folsom past CC up towards Bernal Hill.  I wouldn’t be surprised if I saw a few more tomorrow.  Anyway, best to tell everyone to take the face plate off that bomb stereo that’s in their hoopty.

Take the face plate off that bomb stereo in your hoopty!

[Photo by Daniel Hoherd]

‘Paper Mission’ Artist Brings Paper Art to the Mission

You guys remember this from last spring right? Our post was called Paper Mission. She was all, “I’m Chloe, I’m French.” And we were all, “Nice paper art!”

Well, tonight Chloe Fleury has an opening at the Curiosity Shoppe (pictured — in paper — below). Go there if you want to see some paper in the flesh!


The Art of Oldies Night

Gorgeous, right?

Now take a look at its skeleton:

Primo sure is multitalented! Keep an eye on his Flickr stream if you want lots more eyefuls of good stuff.

Here Be The Hounds Of Hell

Evidence found and captured by Cranky Old Mission Guy.

unusual advice

Jalapeno Jam Sandwich

I think this is the first time we’ve ever posted a recipe. Brace yourself.

First, you make some cornbread, cut yourself a square and slap some whipped cream cheese on it:

Then you grab some Inna Jam brand Plenty Spicy Jalapeno Jam (available at Rainbow or online here):

And voila:

It rules. It’s like a big, savory (but also pretty sweet), frosted, spicy cake.

P.S. Looks like Inna also has a ruby red grapefruit jam in stock right now. Note to self…


This Jam Is My Jam!

Badass Collages Made Using Photoshop and Google Image Search


It’s part of a show up now at Guerrero Gallery, and Hi-Fructose just published an interview with artist Hilary Pecis:

I used to make collages from cutting and pasting images, mostly from fashion and decorating magazines. However, the material started to feel extremely limiting in the images I could find, and the magazines themselves were dwindleing in size.  I decided to fool around with Photoshop and the Internet, and began making the digital collages that were featured in the Guerrero Gallery exhibition.  All of the images come from Google searches.  There are sites that I like such as WikiCommons, but I never start there…It is more fun to see what pops up.  The most important part of my searching is in finding large files, and Google has mastered that by separating and delivering  images that fit with my specifications.  I feel like a spokesperson for Google, but really, if a better search engine presented itself I would use it.

Read on, and don’t forget to go to the gallery and see this piece and lots more in person.

CONTEST: Win Tickets to the Noise Pop Culture Club (Featuring Kid Koala, No Age, Nick Zinner of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs and More)!

This is a picture of Nick Zinner and friends performing selections from their book Please Take Me Off The Guest List at the Uptown in Oakland last year. It was badass. Nick and the girl play trippy music while the other guy reads snarky hipster poetry. But it’s good snarky hipster poetry. Lucky for you, they’re coming back to reprise their performance at the Noise Pop Culture Club on February 26th. And we’re giving away a pair of free tickets.

Noise Pop describes its flagship event in full:

The Noise Pop Culture Club takes the Noise Pop experience and brings it all into one location over two very special days. The Culture Club brings together creative individuals from the community and beyond to participate in a series of exciting presentations on independent culture in its many forms. In addition to the talks there are plenty of hands on experiences and opportunities for participants to delve into their personal creativity. Pop ‘n’ Shop, our local designer fair, will also be a part of this very special weekend.

Confirmed Speakers and organizations include:
Kid Koala, No Age, Nick Zinner (Yeah Yeah Yeahs), DJ Nickodemus, John Wesley Harding, Flavorpill, Isotope Comics, Cinemasports, The Masses, Rebar, Jason Jagel, Yak Films, Turf Feinz and many more.

Alright! For a full schedule and tickets see here.

To WIN a pair of tickets, leave a comment below explaining why you will benefit from the Culture Club’s workshop-style format more than anyone else. We’ll pick a winner based on merit by Friday at noon.

And if you’re still having trouble getting excited about the festival, The Bay Bridged recently published a pair of kickass mixtapes to help get you in the mood.