Sweet Mudflap, Dude


Blasting Cramps Songs in the Turreted Cadillac

It’s Just That Song


Gimp My Ride

Ah, so this is what firefighters do to your car if you park in front of a hydrant and they need to gain access to it. Rad.

Jeans at the Gym

Kiya from Self Edge once told me that since he always wears denim he even wears denim when he goes swimming. Cutoffs in the pool. And that kind of seems somewhat normal, like Tom Sawyer and friends swimming in a swimming hole with cutoffs.

Denim on the treadmill however? A very peculiar choice.

But maybe it’s good. Maybe we should all practice running in jeans for when the time comes we have to outrun somebody we just suckerpunched outside Pop’s in the middle of the night. While barefoot.

[Photo by We Built This City]


Obsessed With Denim

Bachelorette Party Gone Bad?

UPDATE: Somebody made a compelling case that this post be taken down, so we obliged. Sorryboutit.



Bachelorette Party Gone Bad

Our buddy MC reports from 16th and Valencia late last night:

not sure what happened, but a bunch of girls of in this hummer were in a fistfight, one was getting  handcuffed with a black eye. at least two had no shoes on. when I got in a cab, the taxi driver said “yeah. chubby  girls… they like to fight.”

Thanks, MC!

Look Out for This Gnarly Pothole

It’s on 21st Street somewhere around Treat, and it’s deep! There’s a construction barricade marking the spot, but construction barricades don’t stop cyclists traveling at top speed not looking where they’re going. Somebody should probably put a cone in it.

P.S. Did you know potholes are sometimes called “kettles” and “chuckholes”? Chuckholes!

[Photo by Lizzy]


How to Report a Pothole Online

The Are-You-Kidding-Me Pothole

Don’t You Mean Young Coconut WATER?


No? It’s better for you though!



Crazy Band

Remember this girl shredding down the interstate last summer? That was badass.

Get this: I’m pretty sure she’s in this band Crazy Band that’s opening for No Age tonight as part of Noise Pop 2011. If their music is anywhere near as good as their blog, Crazy Band should rule. The show is sold out, but if you’ve already got tickets or a badge, be sure to show up right on time.


Why You Should See the Opening Act

Tips for Teens

Okay, Tips for Teens, all you ever do is announce your name. You never offer up any tips, and from what I understand area teens are in dire need. Make with the tips!