Grass Widow kicks Rickshaw Stop’s ass, covers my favorite Wire song

Grass Widow were one of the openers for No Age the other night at the Rickshaw Stop. They totally held their own playing in between two more aggro bands (Rank/Xerox and No Age), and won me over forever by covering Mannequin by Wire. Here they are playing the same cover at Bottom of the Hill a few months ago:

Seriously, check them out next time they’re playing San Francisco (they’re locals!), before everyone discovers them and they blow up or something. Hey Noise Pop, thanks for putting together such an awesome line up.

Name that ghost

Snapped on the wall outside of Bender’s:

“Stony”? I guess he didn’t wake up in time to get to work. On the bright side, he didn’t meet the cruel fate of his bros:

Wavves of Dread

I guess that sold-out Wavves show on Saturday was a tad bit sloppy. David Downs reports:

By the closing track, Cooper was so frustrated with his own playing he knocked over his cymbals early. He finished without them, at which point he chucked his sticks into the crowd, and stormed off. Williams yanked off his guitar, hurled it through the drum kit, stalked off and punched Cooper in the back. None of this looked rehearsed.

Whoa! I’m sorry I missed out. I thought that backing band had decided to go straight and act more professional after working with Jay Reatard for so long. Read on for more Wavves antics, and some Best Coast problems too.

[Fast forward to 1:40 or so in the above video for an explanation of why there's 1:40 of Marilyn Manson's "Beautiful People." And for another two minutes after that you can watch a black screen as Wavves plays in total darkness while begging for the stage lights to come on.]

This month in Mission Mission: March

Part of reworking the site was combing through 4 years of Mission Mission posts. There has been some good stuff. Every 1st, I’m going to bring you this month’s posts of yesteryear!





Pizza Piggyback

A cute stowaway pizza package to serve as a reminder of what propels Arizmendi above and beyond your normal everyday saucy pizza shop.


Welcome to the new Mission Mission!

Look how gorgeous we are now!

We’d like to thank David Cole and Tag Savage of Sleepover for the design, our own Vic Wong for his kickass development chops, and Alex and Rudy of MonkeyBrains for their hospitality.

Enjoy the show!

CONTEST: Win tickets to Elephant 6 film screening and PERFORMANCE at the Roxie!

Elephant 6, the collective made up of Neutral Milk Hotel, Of Montreal, Apples in Stereo and many other indie rock favorites, have been working on this feature film Major Organ and the Adding Machine for a while, and on Sunday, they’re screening it at the Roxie. AND playing some songs. Their show at the Independent the night before is sold out, so if you don’t have tickets to that, you might want to hurry up and buy tickets to this.

OR, you could try to win tickets by entering our contest. Leave a comment below relating a personal anecdote about any Elephant 6 project or any instance of a group of musicians making a foray into the realm of cinema, and we’ll pick two winners based on merit. Each winner will get a pair of passes. Contest ends at 8pm on Thursday.

A day at the races

You know how you’ve been meaning to go to Dollar Day at Golden Gate Fields for like a hundred years and you’ve still never been? You should go finally, seriously. I did recently, and it was a lovely day.

The photo ops are plentiful:

The ponies are majestic:


Chinatown cheap eats for brave souls

$2 a plate! And you think it’s expensive to eat here.

Ok, so you might have to eat some goose feet. Still, that’s a deal. Goose feet cost $10 each in Hong Kong.

Pizza Monster

Is it just me or is this guy waaay more menacing than he should be?

[Photo by The Minutes]