Typical SF family

A friendly reminder to be sure to take care of that bike ride on Saturday, because you never know when Sunday will get rained out.

Divisadero/Fell Arco continues to confound

And I am confounded by why this continues to be so difficult for some drivers to figure out.  Correct procedure seems fairly obvious to discern from the street striping, so is this a question of manual dexterity then?  The above situation is definitely unsafe to transverse for a cyclist, with constant 40 mph traffic in the passing lane and an unpredictable line of cheap-fuel seeking cars walling off the other side.

I’d just as soon pass this off as typical oblivious automotive behavior were it not for the fact that it’s been happening for 6 months!

Will a solid green stripe along Fell solve this?  More than likely.  That one on Market Street, while imperfect, seems to take care care of most of the vehicular riff-raff.

And for any dufus who snickers that this isn’t in the Mission, please keep in mind this intersection’s vital importance for anyone who might want to take a delightful bike ride to the beach or for spicy Asian soup in the Sunset.

Sail bikes

It’s supposed to be pretty windy today. Perhaps it’d be a good day to dig your sail bike out of the basement and sail to work! (Look at that guy’s fucking rifle!)

Of course, you have to decide on which model you prefer:

Or maybe it’s a prone bike day. I mean, any day is a good day for prone bike! Be sure to appreciate this dude’s graceful moves, and the rockin’ soundtrack:

(Thanks, Jess!)

[Windbike illustrations via Windbike]

Guardian Angels increasing presence in the Mission

Better watch your ass, Mission District! According to CBS San Francisco, the Guardian Angels are coming out in force to help put an end to gang violence once and for all:

In an official statement, the Angels have said they’re working with police and are prepared to make citizen’s arrests when they see someone breaking the law.

Read on.

Hey, remember when they called Vic a pussy in a comment thread? I wonder if they were “working with police” on that effort too. And when they poured out some perfectly good beers? That was cool. Better not let ‘em see you jaywalk.

[Photo by SFMISSION]

Acid is back

Janebook all but confirms it:

Jane: What are you doing tonight, want to go to that warehouse show?
Joe: Probably just going to Homestead. Gotta stay in the Mission, big day tomorrow.
Jane: Ooooh, what’s happening tomorrow?
Joe: Me and that guy Dan got some acid.

Huzzah! Let’s get fucked up!

[Photo by O.G. Old English]

Fuckin’ Oakland

The Tens ventured across the bay over the weekend:

Me: What the hell is going on in here?
[Sees women crocheting in front of a stage where a band is setup.]
Me: Fuckin’ Oakland.

Note that this conversation happened out loud.

The Paramount theater sure is out of control though:


Well done, Tens!


Cute Dog!

[via Hopped Up]

Ferocious Few projected onto various SF landmarks for sleek new music video

You’ve seen them in the streets, you’ve seen them in the park, you’ve seen them get busted in the park, you’ve seen them rock Bay 2 Breakers, you’ve seen them in weird little festival sideshows, and you’ve even seen them onstage at a proper rock club.

Today, you get to see the Ferocious Few in their very own official music video. And it looks gooood:

Pacifica: The New Mission?

[Pic by Camden Swita]

According to a Pacifica news source I just learned about, the Pacifica Patch, there’s a better spot for “Mission District burritos” than The Mission (Rob Schneider probably reads that, he grew up in Pacifica!). Well, maybe not better, but just as good, and closer, if you live in Pacifica (like author ZZ Packer!). Camden Swita claims that Guerreros Taqueria “offers everything taste-wise as Taqueria Cancún and more” (Adolescents lead singer, Tony Cadena, probably agrees, he’s also from there!).

Anyway, I don’t mean to spark a debate, there’s no reason a taqueria 12 miles away from this neighborhood couldn’t have burritos that are just as good (former first baseman Keith Hernandez would know, he grew up there too!). Personally, I think it’s hard to find many bad burritos around here and I leave it at that (Carlos Santana probably wouldn’t, he grew up in The Mission!).

Friday Night Lights

Looks like there was the funeral of a gang member at the Serra Mortuary on Valencia & 26th on Friday night. (There were so many cops I initially thought it was a police funeral.)

And I can confirm the increased sightings of SFPD dirtbikes all over the place — I must have seen half a dozen while driving along Potrero this afternoon.