Burning buildings surf Japanese countryside atop raging tsunami flood waters



CNN makes me watch hell of dumb Swiffer commercial before letting me watch tsunami video

San Francisco online community reacts to Japanese earthquake/tsunami news

Earthquake in Japan

I’m at karaoke night at Jack’s, I’ve just finished singing “Excitable Boy” by Warren Zevon, a girl is starting into “Dock of the Bay.” I look up at the TVs and see a mudslide about to wipe out a bustling rural highway. The mudslide wipes out the bustling rural highway.

The man in the helicopter shooting this live NHK footage sees this and points the camera away. The man behind the bar sees this and changes the channel.

Cheers! “Norm!”

A tsunami will destroy the Marina

So hopefully a tsunami does not arrive.

[Tsunami Inundation Map] [Thanks, MC.]

Tsunami warning

[Thanks, MC.]


Street MEAT

Adding to the collection of odd stuff locked up on the street. I’m sorry, I just can’t stop showing you these things. But we’re accepting submissions! If you can really wow us you can win a weird interaction where the MM staff chain you to a pole and pretend it’s funny for a little too long. Oil up your peepers and start looking!

Once again. Cart/segway/wheelchair. Cart/rolling basket. Mug about my girlfriend. Tire. Construction thing dressed up in corduroy.

Support your local awesome guy

Our buddy Suz reminds us of just a couple of the many reasons we should patronize Mission: Comics and Art.

Plus, don’t miss tomorrow night’s big event!

Thanks, Suz!

Warming hop

This warming technique was captured by gonzo street photographer Corntard on Mission Street last night. It looks like it’s definitely working.

And look! The kooks over at Mission Mission on Tumblr have already put together a kickass mashup.

Epic space barf in new Thermals video

It gets much better. See for yourself:

[via Stereogum] [Thanks, Lizzy!]