New ‘ambience’ category on Yelp: ‘Hipster’

Reader Tina spotted this the other day and mentioned it in a comment thread. Reader JR just happens to be the the programmer who implemented the feature, and informed us all that it’s been in use since late February.

It’s not a clickable value, so I can’t seem to get a list of all the spots in town with hipster ambiences, and JR didn’t return my email, so, readers, Yelpers, what beloved spots around town besides Gracias Madre have been designated “Hipster”?

And what with the hipster backlash becoming more and more violent, do businesses really want to be associated with the dirty word? Maybe it’s a revenue play. I bet local businesses will pay through the nose to have the “Hipster” tag removed.

Gang of men outside area Burger King protest women’s right to ‘have it their way’

C’mon guys, Burger King’s stance on this issue has been completely transparent for decades:

But seriously, Brady Lea‘s video here is quite a watch:

Mini Protest

[via Bernalwood]

See Burrito Justice in the flesh, tonight!

The man, the mystery — Burrito Justice explains:

Want to see me blather on about La Lengua and Bernal in the 1860s-1880s?  Now’s your chance! The kind folks at the Bernal History Project have invited me to commandeer their monthly session for revolutionary historical purposes. (Fair warning: you know how my posts tend to ramble.)

Tonight, 7PM, Bernal Library, 500 Cortland Avenue. Maps, pictures, and whatever else I think of in the next few hours.

If I were you, I’d go just to see if he really dresses like his stencil. Read on.


Look at this shot by local photographer Austin Kamps! Look at the shadows! Look at the light! Look at the composition!

Look at the subject matter! Look at 24th Street! Look at those fins! Look at those balloons!

Do you suppose the bummed-out birthday girl is in the backseat there, looking bummed? Yes.

Shark weak

Poor little guy didn’t stand a chance against that truck. Now he’s a glorified hood ornament/fender cushion cruising around the Mission.   Maybe he’s lucky for not being made into shark fin soup? Or the newest oddity at Paxton Gate?

Morning police chase ends at 23rd and Folsom

Jack reports:

A police chase just ended outside my window. The truck… smashed in to the toyota and the dude took off running. He hopped a fence into parque ninos unidos. Cops everywhere. For a while there were police on the rooftop next to the park with what looked like assault rifles.

I later saw a handcuffed guy being taken away in an ambulance, so I guess they caught the driver…

Cops on the roof with rifles! More pics after the jump. Anyone know what’s up? Was this guy an international jewel thief or something?

[Thanks Jack!]



I can’t decide whether this is the greatest thing ever or the worst, but either way I can’t stop thinking of an udder.

For better or worse . . . Handerpants.

(Thanks Ken Chino!)

Can a high school ID get you in to Bender’s?

Sorry Devin Ramirez from San Mateo High School class of 2008, but judging from their table of commandeered identification cards, it doesn’t look like it.

Good try though.

Kay Jewelers then and now

You find cool stuff clicking through to our commenters’ web sites. Case in point: T.C.’s Don’t Go Changing SF, a blog that finds an old picture of a SF building and shows it right next to a current one from the same angle.

Remember Kay Jewelers on 21st and Mission?

No? Weren’t you around in 1953? What are you, 27 or something? Maybe you know it as this:

I’ve always wondered about the origin of those weird Romanesque pillars in that particular building. No answers here. I guess they really didn’t care for them in 1953 and covered them up with that sign.

But look, if you can afford the lease, that could be your windowsill! On the downside, you’ll probably have to hear Medjool patrons every night.

[via Don't Go Changing SF, check it out for more great historical photos]

Money-saving tip: collect rainwater on your way to the gig

You can store a lot of rainwater in a double-bass! Stick funnels in the f-holes for added efficiency. Bottle and save for later.