Thieves in a little black Honda robbing Missionites at gunpoint

Law and Disorder reports:

Police have yet to say if the crimes were related, but the two robberies bear similarities. In the first incident, two Hispanic males in their mid-20s allegedly drove up to two victims near 20th and Guerrero streets at 2:27 a.m., demanding money at gunpoint, according to the San Francisco Police Department. The victims fled from the scene before their armed assailants could take anything.

Six minutes later, a 39-year-old woman was confronted by two armed men—both allegedly Hispanic males in their mid-20s—at 22nd and Dolores streets. This time, the thieves made off with the victim’s wallet, laptop, cell phone and iPad, police said.

Watch your backs tonight. Read on.

Mission-adjacent microhood La Lengua gets its due on Google Maps

Burrito Justice has a full report here, along with a badass animated GIF.

Bryant Street Doug’s Suds closing due to unreasonable rent

Hampshire House just published a fond farewell:

Dear Doug, remember when we used to wash our clothes together while basking in the smell of citrus breeze and the hum of Latina hookers yelling “pinche puta” at their lovers wives on the tv. Those were the days…

Sounds nice! And see here for Doug’s own farewell notice, posted on the wall inside.

Homer Heart tattoo

[Photo by Mark Cross] [via ste.muzz's favorites]

Surprise Sheryl Crow live acoustic set last night at Beauty Bar?

It’s true too. We checked with her management company AND her Twitter. AND her Tumblr. It’s true. Janebook doesn’t lie.

Anyway, I’m sorry I missed it. I hear her new stuff is dope.


Twitter and gentrification

This week’s edition of Necessary Conversation opens with a fun gag about Twitter’s hot new tax break:

Hangin’ with the Guardian Angels

We mentioned last week that the San Francisco Chronicle’s Phil Bronstein was seen hanging out with some Guardian Angels in the Mission. Today, the results of that hang were published in video form:

Bronstein has more to say here.

(Thanks, Katie!)

Fog shot

It’s even better bigger. Click it to blow it up!

[Photo by Hopped Up]


Reminder: Debaser 3rd anniversary party is tonight at 111 Minna!

And to help get you in the mood, earlier this week the Debaser boys released a new mix, and get this: it’s a sort of re-imagining of the Singles soundtrack:

[H]ere it is, our first ever, full length, official Debaser mixtape. That only took three years to get around to!

We like our parties to be period accurate wherever possible. So in that spirit, we present you with our ode to love and love lost in the ’90s, themed around the classic, Cameron Crowe film, Singles. If you listen closely, you can hear some choice cuts from the film, but also the ringing, jangling sound of the fall of 1992 and spring of 1993.

Epic! Listen here.

And don’t forget to check out all the submissions in the comments section of our Debaser 3rd anniversary party ticket giveaway. Tons of killer YouTube clips!

And of course, it’s never too late to RSVP and invite your friends to tonight’s party.

Mellow times

With live music. Tomorrow at 8pm.

Slow Motion Cowboys, The Gilded Rooks, Tin Sandwich and Pauli Anne.