MM Bloody Marython Saturday

The first-ever MM Bloody Marython went down this past Saturday, and thanks to everyone who participated it ended up being quite a blast!  We started at noon at the 500 Club and proceeded to also stop at Elixir, Zeitgeist, and Bender’s, drinking one bloody mary at each bar.  Needless to say, things got a little sloppy towards the end, but we made sure to take copious notes in case we didn’t quite remember everything!

We utilized a methodical approach that featured scorecards consisting of several distinct categories such as taste, texture, spiciness, accoutrements, alcohol content, overall presentaton, and bartender.  These were filled out by everyone on the tour as well as by patrons who happened to be drinking bloody marys at each bar and wanted to get in on the action.  Indeed, mild cases of favoritism were apparent, as a few of the bartenders seemed to have their own fan clubs in attendance.

As such, you can’t rely on the numbers alone, but they help to qualitatively identify clear trends.  For instance, the 500 Club consistently got the highest scores for accoutrements (owing to the high quality bacon, among other exotic ingredients) and bartender, while Zeitgeist got low scores for bartender by remote judges even though those of us who actually showed up were pleasantly surprised by how polite ours turned out to be (even after I tried to mess with him by tossing a credit card onto the bar to pay for the drinks).

In the end the scores were super close and each version was separated by a mere point, with 500 Club coming in first followed by Elixir, Bender’s, and Zeitgeist.  But of course it’s all about the context, so be sure to read our little breakdowns for each spot:

500 Club




Since we can’t so much as even look at a bloody mary right now without feeling queasy, we’ll need some time to recover before the next MM Bloody Marython, but keep your eyes peeled here and we’ll let you know when the Sunday edition is going down.  At the moment, we’re thinking Pop’s, Thieves, Dirty Thieves, Argus, and the Attic.  Thanks again to everyone who showed up and helped make this such an awesome time, and special thanks to all the bartenders for making such fantastic drinks and putting up with all of us!

Top-hat trenchcoat guy lurking on your fire escape

Ritual vivisectionist or lonely burner?

[Photo by The Tens]


Radass Motorcycle

Rat Fink?

Hipster eviction

Some New Balances, some Vice magazines, some graduate testing material . . .

Someone’s roommate is HELL OF pissed.

New music venue opens at Mission and Duboce tonight

A new music venue called Brick and Mortar is opening up tonight with the local Ray Charles tribute band: Rayband. They start at 9:30pm. Here’s the event page. The venue is at Mission and Duboce which puts it right by Discount Builders Supply, a great place to go if you need lots of pipe.

Looks like they are going for a funk and soul vibe, and have a pretty ambitious lineup for the coming months, including Zigaboo Modeliste of the Meters, Breakestra, and Daptone records presents Charles Bradley.

[photo by insouciance]

Update: The venue occupies the old Coda space, according to SFWeekly.

What time is it?

Now let’s all take a moment and remember what it was like watching Nickelodeon 25 years ago:

[Photo by Bhautik Joshi]

Dude, don’t be such a peg

Chrystal shares a gem of a terrible catcall:


Some couple is making out in the SFMOMA atrium all day today

Some couple (not pictured) is going to be making out all day today at SFMOMA (pictured). It’s for art’s sake:

The performance will take place at the Atrium of SFMOMA from the time door opens (11:00am) till the time door closes (5:45pm), during which time the couple will be continuously making out in public view. The Atrium is a transitional space in SFMOMA which does not require a ticket to enter.

Cool! Free show! Let’s head on over and see how heavy it gets.

[Photo by Dana]

Pie Friday Cart tonight

Sunde, who formerly made and sold pies at The Rite Spot has a new pie cart and you can catch her and it tonight!

Hi there!
Pies are done and ready for tonight.  Key Lime and Mango Raspberry Coconut Crumble.  Britt and I will be at the corner of 21st and Valencia with our red cart from 6pm to midnight . . . check us on twitter @piefridays.
See you there!

Which dude are you talking about?