Banksy’s buddy


He’s got Vibes. New thing next to the old new thing.

We previously had Banksy Fever and maybe he did some jeans shopping.

Weapons of the Future, Tokyo Raid play the Knockout tonight

If you’re looking for something to do tonight there’s a show at the Knockout, which is bound to be fun:

Show starts at 10 PM. Check them out: Weapons of the FutureTokyo Raid.

Rock ‘n roll.

Let’s get hella gay!

Stay Gold is celebrating its 5th anniversary tonight at Public Works! Here’s the deal:

Calling all homos, queers, gayz, lezzies, butches, trannies, twinks, dandies, daddies, fatties, femmes, faggots and friends for a night of white hot cruising and solid gold dancing.

What started 5 years ago as a DIY dive-y dance club that felt more like a house party than a nightclub quickly became what is now one of San Francisco’s most beloved and packed queer dance nights, Stay Gold.

Along with rotating guest DJs each month, residents Pink Lightning and Rapid Fire play all of your favorite gay dance jams from hip-hop to 90s. People can’t help but sing along with their friends, find a hottie to make out with, or lose themselves grinding on the dance floor to hit after hit.

While Stay Gold has called cherished mission hot spot, The Make Out Room, home since the event’s inception, they are ready for a change and are moving a few blocks down Mission Street to new San Francisco nightlife darling, Public Works. “The spacious dance floor and awesome sound system at Public Works are sure to appeal to all of the hot, sweaty die-hards that are always asking to turn the bass up louder.

RSVP and invite your friends here.

Full press release after the jump:


FUTURESTATES Season Two Launch Party tonight

FUTURESTATES is an ITVS (Independent Television Service) project which asks filmmakers from around the country to make a short film projecting a possible future for their city. For the first season I produced Tanuj Chopra’s PIA, which looked at the personal issues of San Francisco’s android population. The second season is now rolling out and I was lucky enough to be a producer on Remigration, a vision of the future for San Francisco’s working class, by local filmmaker Barry Jenkins’ (Medicine for Melancholy).

Tonight at Public Works (161 Erie Street, near Mission) ITVS holds their launch party for the new series. Two of the shorts will be screened, and series manager Karim Ahmad will lead a Q&A with writer/director Jenkins. The event is free, but you have to RSVP here.

Check out the Remigration trailer below, and you can also see the full (20 minute) movie here!

Bucket seats

While certainly not amongst the strangest things we’ve ever seen u-locked to a pole* in the neighborhood, it’s definitely one of the most useful.  If there ever were a city that wanted to go completely car-free, these would have to figure prominently into the design.  Would that work?

*Meat BBQCart/segway/wheelchairCart/rolling basketMug about Ariel’s girlfriendTireConstruction thing dressed up in corduroy.

Springtime means barefoot splashing in possibly hazardous Dolores Park pond

Ciudad de Rad has this adorable video of kids puddle splashing in Dolores Park. We don’t exactly have harsh winters, but this still means spring is here, right?! Click to watch:

Looks like fun! Although on second thought, I might have some health and safety questions about this particular giant sandbox…

Making friends the modern way

Sexpigeon this morning published this screenshot and shared a story:

This person was in a bar I checked into last night. Saw we have three friends in common so I scoured the room for her, high and low. I introduced myself and then explained the circumstances by which I came into cognizance of her. Delighted, we chatted. I demanded to see the dress from the photo.

That part sounds possibly creepy, sure, but there’s a happy ending and a big conclusion to be drawn about modern technology and stuff. Read on.

Ewok smuggling

MM reader Jesse P. caught this cyclist at 16th and Valencia the other day, and wants to know a few things:

Is this dog taking a nap? Is Noe Valley in-fluxing the Mission?

Either way, I’m kind of jealous.  Of the dog.

Too bad you didn’t try this Ti Couz Bloody Mary before Ti Couz gave up its liquor license

[Photo by 雨笙]

Ti Couz bids adieu to the Mission, existence

Ti Couz is about to close its bright blue doors forever, meaning that if you want a crepe, like, right now, go grab one while you still can. Inside Scoop reports:

Apparently, it’s a certainty that the popular creperie will be calling it quits, but there’s no farewell date just yet. The party line is only that it will be soon, though it’s undetermined, but could be “any day now” (but “probably not tomorrow”).

So what’s next for this prime spot of real estate? A new brunch spot perhaps? Read on.

Au revoir Ti Couz, and to your delightful wares, we salute you.

[via Eater SF]

[Photo by Jezcab]