Definitive proof that an alien craft crash landed behind Borderland Books

Who is trying to cover it up? Why don’t they want you to know about it?? Where are the aliens now???*

Aliens Land Behind Borderlands!

[photo by someone called "Evil Oars"]

*Getting in line for Boogaloos.

Dreamdate playing at the Knockout tonight, new record out

Dreamdate is awesome, a Mission Mission favorite, and they’re perfect for this weather! They’re releasing their new record, Melody Walk. Clean White Lines has a video here. Cover’s $6, show is at 10 PM. Don’t miss it.

Hell-of-old Bay Area newspapers

I was at the National Museum of Old Newspapers with “Post” in the Title in Washington, D.C., the other day when I came across these beauties from the Bay Area.

Almost makes you wish newspapers were still around, doesn’t it?

Some other good ones, after the jump:


Billions and motherfucking billions

Say, now is a good time to point out that you can watch Cosmos in its 13-part entirety on Hulu.

[Spotted on the patio at the Sycamore by MrEricSir]

Need rubbers?

Oh, you mean rain boots? I see what you did there.

Snail pho and more from Rice, Paper, Scissors at 6pm tonight

That’s right.  Snail pho, along with a few other Vietnamese street food delectables at the latest pop up occurrence of Rice, Paper, Scissors, happening at 6pm tonight until they run out (it always does) at 20th and Shotwell!  Check out this ambitious menu:

  • Thousand Year Old Egg with Pickled Shallots and Silken Tofu
  • Water Fern Cake
  • Imperial Rolls
  • Snail Pho with a Tomato Broth
  • Green Papaya Salad with Duck Confit - veggie option w/ fried tofu -
  • Handmade Pate and Charcuterie Banh Mi
  • Mung Bean Sticky Rice
  • Coconut Sorbet with Black Sesame Powder

Seriously.  Follow this delightful duo on twitter so you know when the next one pops up!

Perhaps Vic, just back from Vietnam, will be able to tell us just how authentic it is!

[Photo by PizzaHacker]

Illustrated review of last week’s Radiolab show at the Brava Theater

Not sure how I missed this (oh yeah, I was in ‘nam), but WNYC’s Radiolab did a live taping at the Mission’s Brava Theater last week, hosted by another heavy hitter in the podcasting scene (and SF native!), Jesse Thorn. Illustrator Jay Sacher was there, and whipped up an excellent illustrated review at

If you haven’t heard it, Radiolab is like the this American Life of science radio. They take a broad science topic, like “symmetry” in this case, and do a number of stories on it. Jay points out that their production is a bit cutesy and they sometimes glaze over the real science to drive their narrative home, but I maintain that it’s still an entertaining show and you should totally add it to your podcast list because it will totally impress people “in the know”.

Head over to for the full piece.

[Thanks for the tip, Suzanne!]

Innovations in bicycle doggy transport

It’s as if Timbuk2 read our dog-smuggling post from earlier this week and saw the need to fast-track this prototype out the door. Announced today, the Muttmover is the latest in bicycle dog transportation. Watch in this video as a young lady stuffs a pooch into the bag and effortlessly rides from Hayes Valley into the Mission. Nice work on that Market St. triple-lane change!

According the description, the bag is meant for animals under 15 pounds, including felines. Although, good luck getting a cat to put up with this nonsense.

Comic Book Guide to the Mission art show this Saturday

Two Sundays ago it was raining pretty damn hard in the middle of the day. I ducked out of the storm at Mission Comics and Art where I got to watch a delightfully geeky discussion group about how lame the Star Wars prequels were and how epic Jeff Smith’s Bone series was. My kind of people! While I was there, I was finally able to pick up the Comic Book Guide to the Mission.

It’s a really great, intimate look at the Mission from the eyes of local artists. The book covers a lot of ground, including stories about being a lawyer dude trying to fit in at Pop’s, the hunt for the best taco, an anthropological observation of you-know-what-sters, and the history of Mission murals. Oh, and dating of course:

Speaking of Mission Comics and Art, Leef Smith and co. are hosting an art show featuring original panels from the CBGTTM. That would be a swell time to buy the book and meet some of the artists. It’s this Saturday, April 2nd  at 7pm. The store is on 20th and Mission.

The last Fast Pass on paper

March 2011. And that ends today. Muni Diaries puts together a nice look back at the paper Fast Pass through the ages.

in my youth ...

[photo by cbcastro]