Dolores Park I love you, but you’re bringing me down

Honey In Yr Brain doesn’t understand why all we ever do on nice days is go to Dolores:

There are other big, huge lots of grass in SF with much better views and not as many piss-poor onesies than Dolores Park..SOME WITH PLENTY OF TREES TOO. There are beaches, hills, pools, docks, parks, reservoirs, lakes, rivers…ALL OF WHICH I HAVE FAILED TO SEE BECAUSE I don’t know ANYONE who actually goes to bed at a reasonable hour to wake the fuck up in time to make it to one of these BETTER options.

I love you Dolores Park, but the amount of tall cans I can drink in you hung over “JUSS’ CUZ IT’S NICE OUT” is running dry.

Blam! Real talk? Or what?

She then goes on to ask for volunteers to join her on her mission to try something new. Read on.

[Photo by Man Freckles]

P.S. Whoa, this is the second time I gave a post this exact title. I’d totally forgotten. Here is the first.

Old-school Hollywood-style bed sheet escape ends badly

You have to admit that you’ve always wanted to try this yourself.  MM reader Alexander K. happened upon this scene outside of Mission Creek Cafe, but noted that unfortunately the escape did not go as successfully as planned, as you can see after the jump . . .


‘The Hipster Guide to San Francisco’

Didn’t get your fill of hackneyed hipster humor this week? You poor thing! Well check this baby out. In this video, a couple of young vacationers want to know what this whole San Francisco “hipster” thing is about, consult the ultimate hipster guide (Lonely Planet travel books, of course), then hit up such hipster hot-spots as Blazing Saddles bicycle rentery, Ritual Coffee Roasters, Aquarius Records, and Dolores Park. This stuff writes itself!

Of course, the first things I thought when I saw this were,”uhhh, that is not a single speed bike,” and, “aren’t those shots of Mars Vintage and Rasputin in Berkeley?” I guess that makes me a you-know-what-ster.

Thirtysomething male wants to hook up with newly engaged female he met at Paxton Gate

From Missed Connections:

Paxton’s Gate, Saturday around 4PM – m4w – 34 (mission district)

We spoke briefly in two neighboring stores. You showed me your new rock. Wish I’d asked for your name.

Illicit! Respond if you’re feeling saucy I suppose, newly engaged girl (not pictured).

[Photo by V.H.D.]

Somewhat compelling argument that the Giants suck

[Photo by Austin Kamps]

Fun with a Bullitt Bike

So versatile! Fun and practical!


[via Storts]

Korean pop music video filming in the Mission

Wow! Top K-Pop band K.R.A.Z.Y recently chose Clarion Alley to film their latest video. Watch these heartthrobs show their synchronized stuff:

Disclaimer: may not be a real K-pop band. Might just be some bored teens that weren’t good at skateboarding or basketball.

I’m gonna miss this salad

What with Ti Couz closing and all.

Such a nice big fresh bowl of big chunks of good stuff. Let’s go get one now! Perfect salad-eating weather, right?

[Photo by Mari Francille]

Pre-order the Mission Street Food cookbook now!

It hits stores in late July, but if you act now, a big chunk of your purchase goes toward reforming U.S. food policy! Here’s the deal, straight from the ol’ Mission Street Food blog:

We wrote a book about food. It’s more about the taste of food than the politics of food, but the process made us think hard about our values, and we decided to donate a portion of our book sales to food activism. We still believe in the importance of consumer choices, like buying locally, but food policy in this country is so messed up that we need a more direct and systemic approach–especially now, when Congress is preparing to work on the 2012 Farm Bill, which will affect the way we eat as a nation for years to come. We need to put our money where our mouths are, literally.

Together with our publisher, McSweeney’s, we’ve worked out an arrangement to benefit Slow Food USA in their campaign to make the next Farm Bill feed our nation, and not just the bank accounts of agribusiness. For every pre-sale purchase of our book through the McSweeney’s online store, a $10 donation will go to Slow Food USA. Copies purchased later or from other booksellers will result in a smaller donation.

Read on (and throw down).

So you need to make mac ‘n’ cheese for 80?

Chef Kevin Kroger, formerly of Monk’s Kettle, was really flattered when we lamented the loss of his amazing mac & cheese masterpiece. So much so, that yesterday he decided to post a “making of” feature of the dish on his blog. His secret? Put some beer in it.

In addition to that, he shows you how to make “Chocolate Pop Rock Bars”. Seriously? This man is a visionary.

So in case you find yourself needing to feed 80 people with some extreme comfort food this weekend, head on over to and check out the recipe. Don’t forget to pick up some butter and heavy cream first: