This strawberry jam comes straight from your childhood yet is still ultra-fresh

Available from Inna Jam at a number of local spots:

ultra fresh albion STRAWBERRY jam (cooked on Tuesday) made from organic strawberries grown in Watsonville now available in San Francisco and the East Bay! the albion varietal features big strawberry flavors and makes a very classic tasting strawberry jam – this the “childhood” strawberry jam.

Childhood was awesome! Can’t wait to try it! Learn more (and see where it’s available).

Cesar Chavez parade on Saturday means you’ll need to move your car today

The annual Cesar Chavez Parade starts at 11am on Saturday at 19th and Guerrero, and culminates at 24th and Treat for a big block party with lots of food, music and crafts.

So besides having a nice little Saturday out being festive and whatnot, what does this mean for you? It means watch out for those pesky paper “NO PARKING” signs that seem to pop-up when you’re not looking and then your car gets towed, when just yesterday it was totally cool to park there and now you’re out $400.

But seriously, block parties are awesome. Bring on the BBQ!

[via FunCheapSF]

[Photo by Eli the Bearded]

This month in Mission Mission: April

Every month we take a walk down memory lane with Mission Mission posts from years past. Yeah, we were supposed to do this on April 1st, but we were too busy posting unfunny April fools pranks. Sorry.





  • Nothing happened in the Mission in April of 2007. My theory is that the neighborhood entered a cosmic wormhole and stopped existing for a month. Where is Carl Sagan when you need him?

What’s game?


Jetpacks are the way to go when shooting hoops, trust me.

    How to properly lock up your bike outside Benders




    Where should you watch the Giants’ home opener?

    Our buddy Rob over at Thieves thinks Thieves might be a good idea:

    We’re having a free BBQ Friday at 1:30pm for the giants home opener at Thieves Tavern. There will be vegan options and almost every beer (except for Dogfish Head and Chimay) will be $1 with any shot that’s not well. Drafts and bottles.

    Shots, beers, barbecue, baseball and vegan options: That’s what San Francisco does!

    Where else might be good?

    [Photo by Ariel Dovas]

    Saturn Rising at The Roxie

    Local filmmaker Garry Bowden‘s new short film “Saturn Rising” premieres tonight at The Roxie. Along with the short there will be poetry readings, an art show and a live performance by Wild Child, whose music is in the movie.

    Show starts at 7:30pm, $10 tickets.

    Check out the trailer:

    Hit by a car on Cesar Chavez

    MM reader Missy writes in to tell about her harrowing experience this morning:

    This morning I was riding down Chavez on my way to my house… minding
    my own business… about to hit the bike lane near the on ramps when
    all of a sudden out of the corner of my eye…. a red… thing….
    coming *WHAM* car hits the entire left side of my bike throwing me
    from it onto the pavement.  Driver stopped… even a witness stopped.
    Everyone was very nice, and after much back and forth about putting me
    in an ambulance I rode my jacked up bike back to my home.

    Now, the reason I am writing to you is because I think that even
    though Chavez is boarder line NOT the mission…. I believe we need to
    bring awareness to how UNSAFE it is to bike there.


    I definitely agree with her, having been hit before myself.  Luckily, change is underway!

    In the meantime, I like to take the way more chill but way less convenient 26th Street as an alternative.

    [Photo by darren_mirfield]

    Benefit for victims of last night’s fire

    There’s already a benefit show being organized for tomorrow to benefit the victims of last night’s fire in La Lengua. The residents of the building lost nearly all their possessions and are without a place to live. Here’s the full release from facebook:

    Hey Ya’ll

    Many of you saw or heard about the devastating fire that happened on Mission and Valencia last night. The house that took the brunt of the damage was actually a house full of amazing friends who many of you may know and love. It looks as though the fire destroyed most or all of their possessions and made the house uninhabitable for the foreseeable future.

    Currently the residents are without homes, clothes, and other basic necessities and could really use assistance getting back on their feet. The four people who lost their home are all amazing people who have been active vibrant parts of our queer community in San Francisco and have always shown their strongest support for the needs of others. Now its our turn to show our support and bring together the generosity and might of our community to support them in this time of need.

    El Rio has generously allowed us to take over their front room on Friday night for an emergency benefit to raise funds for these four amazing folks to purchase the basics they need to stay afloat. Please please please spread the word about this event on facebook and elsewhere and come out, dig deep and share your $$ with folks who really need it right now. At the door there will be someone collecting cash to be distributed directly to the victims of the fire, so just make sure that person gets your donation, come in, have some drinks hangout on the patio and dance a bit if you like.

    Also, El Rio will also be donating 100% of their bar proceeds from 8-9pm directly to the four folks affected so come early, donate and drink.

    Brown Amy & I are going to be DJ’ing & anyone else who would like to be involved by DJ’ing, speaking, whatever please contact me and let me know.

    *** If you are unable to attend you can make your donations via Paypal to ***

    Friday, April 8th
    El Rio
    3158 Mission Street
    Donations suggested – as generous as you can be

    [Thanks to Cat for the heads up and the flyer design]

    Update: If cash aint your thing, donate stuff. Tom says:

    In terms of clothes if anyone could donate some size 13 shoes or mens pants with a 31/32 or 36 waist that would be really amazing. Shirts, Mediums and larges… MUNI Passes, grocery gift cards, things like that too!


    Beware the brown water

    In the comments section of our post about last night’s big fire, a couple of neighbors that live nearby have noted that the water in their pipes is coming out brown.

    So if you also live nearby, maybe test it out real quick this morning before blindly jumping in the shower, or downing your morning big glass of water.

    [Photo by Lindsey Adler]