Sometimes you just really want a huge, ridiculously topped mass of pizza

Today just might be a Serrano’s day.

(For 2cute2puke, yesterday was the day.)

Methodical lice removal on Muni

Yesterday, we heard about what we thought was the worst bus behavior we’d heard about in a while. And then, our old pal Heather trounced it in the comments section:

Yesterday on the 3 a lady was methodically picking out lice from her daughter’s hair with her fingernails and throwing them on the floor! I have seen a lot of horrible things on MUNI in the past ten years, but that was probably the most unsettling.

Next-level unsettling, for sure. Read more.

[Completely unrelated photo by Heidi De Vries]

Don’t (let your dog) shit where you eat

I can’t wait to see how this plays out. I hope somebody gets some pics of the process.


Mission BBQ: 1906 post-disaster style

Melissa shared this amazing picture on her Tumblr last week.

This is my great-great-grandfather Elijah with his family, in front of their house in the Mission district, a house I walk by all the time. Why is there a tea kettle and miniature stove on the sidewalk, you ask? Well, on this particularly portentous day, an enormous earthquake had struck San Francisco, and many families moved their kitchens into the street so as to prevent fires (83 years later, I have a distinct childhood memory of all the families on our block barbecuing the night after the ‘89 earthquake struck for the same reason).

Read on here.

Busy hipsters have epic to-do lists

Somebody left this in reader Chad V’s bar last night:

Says Chad:

We all shit ourselves at the “plan chest piece” entry.

No doubt. Thanks, Chad!

The Business turns 2 tonight!

Did you know that stand-up comedy, as we know it, started in San Francisco? It’s true! According to Joe Rogan on Episode 161 of the WTF podcast, anyway. He credits it to when Mark Twain first started giving hilarious speeches filled with wit and biting social commentary around town. Without Mark Twain, no Gallagher. Think about that.

Anyways, the other day I passed by Mission comedian Chris Garcia in the street, jumped in front of him, and blurted out, “CHRIS GARCIA!”. After this, I had no follow up other than a crazy wild-eyed stare. He looked at me a bit terrified. I followed up with, “Umm, yeah, sorry. I’m Vic from Mission Mission.”  He was like, “Oh hey! You should come to the Business this week. It’s our 2-year birthday.”

The Business is a weekly comedy showcase at the Dark Room featuring Chris, Sean Keane, Alex Koll, and Bucky Sinister. They also feature out-of-town comedians passing through.Why not take part in the rich history of San Francisco comedy and check them out tonight? The show starts at 8pm. Here is the event page.

Also, Chris Garcia (as Dr. 4:20) wishes you a happy day:



Fresh & Easy spanks Whole Foods to advertise their Richmond District store on a billboard at 16th and South Van Ness.

Canine business unwelcome at We Be Sushi

When asked about his discriminatory treatment, the puppy dejectedly replied, “I thought they would be happy sashimi.”

Weirdo baseball stickers

Possibly still available at Mission: Comics and Art.

Gourmet cartoon burger looks tasty as it is friendly

[Photo by Lydia Chow]