Breezy Nix will make you dance tonight at the Big Gay Warehouse

First of all, “Big Gay Warehouse.” We should definitely all go. Secondly, Breezy Nix is the best! We saw her North American debut at Amnesia a couple months ago, and it was killer. She sent us a mix she made, and it is a blast. And, of course, she looks great in an animated GIF.

RSVP to tonight’s show and invite your friends here.

Anyway, I know this place is kind of a haul, but I’m down to get a bike caravan going or whatever. Hit me up!

Apologetic graffiti

That’s all the property owner ever wanted to hear. Now you guys are cool. Carry on.

[via The Fog Bender]

Hipster Oolong

In homage to the internet’s most popular bunny rabbit, Pickles the cat demonstrates his hidden talent.

Planned Parenthood protestors just want to give you ‘the truth’

Mission Local spent some time with the anti-choice geezers forever posted up outside Planned Parenthood:

On a recent Friday afternoon, Ron Konopaski, 71, sets up a folding chair outside the clinic. It’s closed today, but that doesn’t matter. The retired dentist has been here every day since March 9. His duty is to ensure that at least two people are in front of the clinic at all times.

Konopaski and his fellow activists believe that abortion, even when due to rape, is an abomination to God’s plan. To them, the elements of a person begin at fertilization — a new life that no one other than God has the right to take.

“We’re trying to just give them the truth,” says Konopaski.

Read on.

Lots and lots of FREE TACOS, basically

So, Scoutmob seems supercool. They are kind of akin to all these new group-buying sites like Groupon, but all their deals are free. FREE, dude! Futhermore, they seem to focus on stuff like tacos and books and cool restaurants (rather than spa treatments and cologne and jewelry), so it’s more our speed.

Today, Scoutmob is offering 50% off at Pancho Villa ($10 max discount) TOTALLY FREE. (Plus, Mission Mission gets some cash for helping promote this wicked discount, so by taking advantage of it, you’d be helping us pay the rent, which would be awesome.)

And to make things even more interesting, Scoutmob also wants to send two lucky readers (and their entourages) on a very special trip to Pancho Villa, in which you get to dine with the entire Mission Mission staff! And Scoutmob picks up our bill! We’re pretty cool to hang out with I think, so, win, win, win, win, win, win, win, am I right?

To enter (and get your 50% off thingy) just follow this link. (And if you’re already a Scoutmob member, just re-enter your email address for a chance to win.)

And for more on Scoutmob, please check them out!

Nobody ever made a shirt out of this Obama portrait by some 826 kid

Clearly that is why the Obama administration is not totally killing it.

Have at it, somebody:

Relevant details can be found here, so you can credit whomever you need to credit. NOTE: Making a t-shirt out of this WILL put an end to the Republican Party once and for all, clearly.

In related news, Obama appeared in SF last night.

Late-night reminder: Follow Mission Mission on Tumblr

If, that is, you want access to behind-the-scenes gems like this:

It’s not epic poetry or anything, but it can be fun: Mission Mission on Tumblr

Drippy art is in

Drippy Art Is In

A bunch of short films about beer

You haven’t been to Oddball Films yet? It’s this weird film archive in a warehouse space above Capp Street that hosts curated film screenings on a regular basis.

This Thursday evening, they’re showing a bunch of films about beer. Some are old, some are new. Some will be of interest to beer aficionados, some will be of interest to people who want to see a cat drink beer and use drugs.

A cat drink beer and use drugs. A cat drink beer and use drugs.

Plus, there will be a selection of microbrews on the scene, for drinking.

Click here for a PDF rundown of the whole program. [via Mission Local]

Aid Japan by winning Treasure Island Music Festival tickets or a baseball signed by Tim Lincecum

Or lots and lots of other killer prizes, like:

SF Giants game tickets (3 pairs)
SIGNED Monte Ellis jersey!
Mas Sake – dinner gift certificates
Bocce’s Cellar – dinner gift certificates
Marin Bikes Factory Outlet – Tshirts and goodies
DVD set – Dreamworks bonus DVD set – with How To Train Your Dragon (2 DVD bonus set), Kung Fu Panda (2 DVD bonus set), And the original Shrek on DVD
Video game set – Shrek Smash n Crash Racing Gameboy Advance Game, PS2 Dance Dance Revolution Extreme, PS2 Karaoke Revolution Volume 3, XBox Toe Jam & Earl III, PC CD game Happy Potter, XBox 360 Kung Fu Panda game
Gourmet S’mores Book
Taylor Williams Massage – One hour therapeutic massage
Chien Center (Santa Cruz – Cindy Rasmussen) Massage – one hour
Chrome – messenger bag
Bar Crudo – $50 gift certificate
Reproduction photograph of Buster Posey – signed
Baseball signed by Travis Ishikawa
Photograph signed by Travis Ishikawa
2 passes to the Monterey Bay Aquarium – good for up to one year

Whoa! So this’s an event called Japan Aid SF, takes place tomorrow at the Make-Out Room. Bands will play, prizes will be raffled off:

RSVP and invite your friends here. Buy advance tickets (and raffle tickets) here. (You do not have to be present to win a raffle prize.)