Cadillac grill crammed into the nose of a Volkswagen


Dia de los Gigantes shirt

I think you get these at Encantada on Valencia. Sharp.

[Photo by The Tens]

Who’s your interior decorator?


[Photo by Brooke Candy]

The best jukebox in the city?

It’s at Silver Crest. It’s all Whitney Houston and Patti LaBelle and Billy Ocean. Lots of Billy Ocean. Plus, there’s the Miami Vice theme (parts I and II) and some Miami Sound Machine, and a bunch of songs just labeled “Greek song.”

The best part might be the satisfying click noise the buttons make when you select your song. Or that it’s three selections for 25¢. Or that it uses real records and the needle is covered in 40 years worth of lint. What a sound.

Plus, donuts and whiskey and pool. I think this one wins.

Now let’s listen to some Billy Ocean:

This dog likes to drink

There’s this blog called Deano Got Drunk which purports to depict this dog Deano posing on the streets with all the alcoholic beverages he consumes. It’s funny.

Today, Deano got drunk on Four Loko.

How to flirt in bars

Melinda has the scoop:

Simple as that! Duly noted.

Raise money for SF bike messengers by drinking and riding fixies tonight

From the Macaframa website:

The event is finally upon us. Please come out to support a good cause and race and drink with your friends. There will be great prizes for the racers, as well as for our raffle, and cheap drink specials from Fernet and PBR! A portion of the proceeds will go to the SF Bike Messengers Association’s Broken Bones Fund

The race will be fixed only and will be an alleycat format. The event will have a DJ set and live performance by Nick Waterhouse and the Tarots, who have been blowing UP lately!

I know first hand how expensive it to be hit by a car while biking, and these guys take that risk and pay the price everyday doing their jobs.  So why not enjoy some PBR and take in a good show to help them out?  And if you’re feeling adventurous, jump in the race too!  If I had a fixie, I would totally be all over it — anyone got a lender bike?


Gutter ball!

Somebody lost their Titleist in the storm drain at 22nd and Valencia!

Reminds me of:

MuniDiaries Live starring Mission Mission’s own Ariel Dovas this Friday night

Take it from me, Ariel telling a story in real life is a million times better than anything any blog post could ever attempt to replicate. Go to this thing. (Advance tickets appear to be sold out, so just show up and pound on the door.)

Say hello to San Francisco’s newest microhood: ‘Royal Gate’

Amidst this week’s media blitz surrounding our neighbor to the south, La Lengua, our buddy Cranky Old Mission Guy (who just launched a new website this week btw) came up with the best rechristening idea I’ve heard since I first heard “La Lengua” oh so many eons ago:

My new name for the area of the Mission around the 16th Street BART plaza is “Royal Gate”, after the plastic vodka bottles strewn everywhere.

Totally! Sixteenth and Mission is totally a royal gateway — in the exact same way that this crummy vodka is “royal.” Perfect!

(Thanks to our other buddy SCUM for finding the above photo.)

[Photo via Kute 'n' Krispy]