BREAKING: Anchor Steam subsumed by Budweiser

At the liquor store at 22nd and Folsom anyway. Sorry if that headline was misleading.

“Excellent reuse,” says reader Joshua A., snapper of this pic. Maybe it’s reuse, or maybe Anheuser-Busch is grasping at straws trying anything and everything to get savvy San Francisco taste makers like all of us here in the Mission to sample their wares.

Celebrate Earth Day with Sun Ra

See that, way down there at the bottom? Sun Ra!

I wonder if, even though it’s Earth Day, he’ll still channel some “Space is the Place”:

In any case, Earth Day is an important occasion. Learn about its history here, and do visit Earth Day SF if you can.

P.S. Did you know Sun Ra’s birth name was Herman Poole Blount? Dope birth name!

Guerilla marketing for new Mission restaurant

We took an in-depth look at this forthcoming restaurant’s progress a few weeks back. This week Radish launched their website, and apparently a guerilla marketing program.

Does this lo-fi marketing effort make you crave their fresh, seasonal cuisine or what?

[Photo by Talent is an Asset]

P.S. This is totally a joke, relax.

Any local bars showing tonight’s Dr. Who premiere?

Some nerd wants to know:


Vegan s’mores cookies

These look pretty good, for vegan cookies. They’re up for grabs now at the San Francisco Center for the Book Earth Day Celebration.

[via Theresa]

Rad dog admonishes your vanity

Previously he was concerned with your diet and spirituality. Now, he wants you to be less vain. This guy really cares.

[Photo by Penelope Popsicle]

Trust Lemmy

Like I mentioned before, Cranky Old Mission Guy has a new blog (called Cranky Old Mission Guy). Start reading it on a regular basis and then you won’t have to rely on us for gems like this.

Diary TONIGHT at Pop’s

You may have heard that Diary, everyone’s favorite emo night, is moving to Saturday nights. The first one is tonight: 9 PM at Pop’s. Don’t miss out, Emo karaoke is the perfect opportunity to show off that you can still sing along with every word in Cop by Alkaline Trio!

If you’re confused by emo, the Diary guys put together a great mix for SF Weekly. Personally, I’m hoping to hear Embrace, Mineral, and Knapsack tonight.

P.S. You guys remember the Emo Game, right? (Disclaimer: I don’t support what I remember to be the rampant, messed up use of rape in the storyline. I’m in it for the pixel drawings and 7-inches.)

Fog and Laser

If you want to tell your friends what you’re doing this Saturday night, just make the above hand motion and say, “FOG AND LASER.” And then shoot a laser out your sleeve.

Here’s the deal:

Our running joke for the ‘FOG’ in Fog & Laser is that it stands for “Free of Genre” and we plan to hold ourselves true to this mantra. As a kitchen sink/anything goes/party jam kind of night, one might hear anything from 60s soul to 80s crowd pleasers. Anything from 90s guilty pleasures to the best electro cuts from 2005. A large emphasis will be placed on emerging indie and electronic music but that’s not to say we’ll hold ourselves back from playing a great forgotten punk tune here or a Smiths b-side there.


Did we mention fog machines and lasers?!! Of course this is one of the reasons it was so easy for us to name the event… but we do plan to up the fun even further with special guests, laser backdrop photo portraits, and great drink specials.

LASER BACKDROP PHOTO PORTRAITS. Rickshaw Stop, this Saturday, only $7. RSVP and invite your friends here.

[Hand modeling by Dennis Kernohan] [Disco epaulet by Tag Savage]

Full press release after the jump:


Makeshift urinal

Find this gem at the Big Gay Warehouse, around the corner from the best jukebox in the city.

Even better, look who it is up in the corner:

The CNN stuff is an interesting addition. But I think Alleged looks better bigger and on its own.