Mission Bowling Club and the return of Mission Burger

I’m so excited, I’m having a hard time writing this post. Can’t think straight. Here’s the deal: Our buddy Chef Anthony Myint just told us he’s doing the food for the boutique bowling alley thing we heard about last month.

It’s called Mission Bowling Club, and it sounds pretty rad. More importantly, the menu will include the MISSION BURGER — that storied mass of heaven incarnate we all miss so much. And get this: VEGAN BURGER TOO. That’s right.

Phewf. I’m gonna need a nap just thinking about this. Can’t wait! Thanks, Anthony!

[Photo by porkbelly24]

Full press release after the jump:


Fog and Laser was fun

Let’s all play this Hot Chip song and look at some pictures:

It started out chill. You could just wander out onto the floor and trip out on the fog and lasers. And then the soundtrack kept getting more and more irresistible.

With a no-rules dance party, you run the risk of your playlist being too messy, too all-over-the-place — not cohesive. Not the case here. These guys covered a lot of musical ground, across numerous decades, but everything went together seamlessly.

So, Fog and Laser turned into a rager:

Can’t wait for the next one. Or for more laser portraits:

[All photos via Fog and Laser]

Vegan pierogi and Snickers party tonight at Noisebridge

Every month Vegan Hacker (not pictured) hosts a workshop. FunCheapSF has the details:

The event is held at Mission District hackspace “Noisebridge” which has a full kitchen and everyone is encouraged to participating in the cooking, or you can just sit back and watch and sample. You don’t have to be vegan to attend, but just love food and don’t mind being a little creative with your ingredients.

April’s hack: Eastern European Pierogi.

Vegan Hacker confirms via Twitter that they’ll also be hacking the Snickers bar.

Click here for map and directions and further details.

[Photo by Kelly]

Luke Wilson just wants to have dinner at Beretta, not have his picture taken with you

Reader Ray F. had a fun celebrity sighting last night:

So I ran into Luke Wilson on the street yesterday at 7pm.

He was walking on Valencia between 22nd and 23rd, it looked like they may have been going to Beretta. I had actually stopped to take a photo of something when I noticed him walk up with a really beautiful woman. I asked him politely if I could take a photo with him and he got all bent out of shape. I felt terrible so I apologized and walked away, but it totally sucked.

Lame! Dave Chappelle was so much more fun.

Now let’s all watch some classic Luke:

UPDATE: Via our Facebook wall, DJ Jamie Jams confirms the sighting, adding that Wilson had some drinks at Elbo Room too.

Dirty Beaches tonight at Rickshaw Stop

We’ve mentioned this guy a couples times. First because he shot a video at Homestead, second because he was rad at SXSW. I bet he’s killer at the Rickshaw Stop too.

Here’s a video I made down in Austin. I still can’t get over his stage manner:

Advance tickets are here.

Lonely velvet rope in 16th Street gutter


[Photo by Everything Forced]

Raver Breakfast Special

At El Cafe Tazo. It’s not my favorite place, they always seem really disinterested in interacting with me. But for the sake of my sanity I may need to start buying these breakfast specials.

Fruit handler

The other day I was in North beach at a fun bar known for its fancy cocktails. The place was pretty packed, so waits were pretty long. To express his frustration, this tool began reaching into the fruit bowl and pawing the fruit. He grabbed lemons and limes, sniffed them, felt them up, then passed them back to his friends so they could do the same.

The problem is, these are the fruits your twists and other garnishes come from. Some of these fruits were already partially zested or whatever, meaning the oils on this guy’s grubby fingers were freely intermingling with the oils in the orange rind adorning my whatever I had.

The bartenders were busy as hell, so they didn’t notice. I was mortified, but the guy was bigger than me and already all aggro, so I didn’t do anything about it. Just made sure to order something without fruit. And took a picture.

Anyway. Drinkers, beware. Bars, maybe keep the fruit behind the bar.

Two cans of vintage Four Loko up for grabs to the highest bidder

Reader Krissy P. alerts us to this hot item:

2 cans vintage 2010 4 Loko caffeine + alcohol (mission district)

I have two cans of vintage 2010 Four Loko. This is the original formula, chock-full of alcohol, taurine, and caffeine–so powerful the FDA banned it. This is the original Tiger Blood, nevermind 7 gram rocks, Charlie Sheen was shotgunning cans of this stuff. I have one can of Lemon Lime flavor and one can of Lemonade flavor. They’ll be refrigerated and ready for consumption. Best offer gets ‘em. 21+ only please

I wonder why they’re unloading ‘em already. Think how much they’ll be worth in five years! (Maybe they really really need a seven-gram rock.) [link]

Thanks, Krissy!

UPDATE: There’s also a big feature and interview with Four Loko’s founders making the rounds today. It’s hell of long.

Funny bandages

But I think they’d be even funnier with a couple minor swaps. Aid Helper is good, but Help Aider would be even better. Du Bang is really good, but Bangd U would just knock me over. That’s all.