Those guys that stand right up front and spend the whole show taking video of the band

I’m not trying to hate or anything. You gotta do what you gotta do. But, I just don’t get it. Don’t you ever just want to put the camera down and enjoy the music without worrying about framing or battery life?

Now, I’ll admit, I have taken video at shows. But only a couple times, and only a song or two, not a whole set. Just so that I could give my friends back home a brief taste of what they were missing. And I make sure to stand in the back. And if there was even a chance of someone being behind me, I kept the camera down at chest level so as not to obstruct any sight lines.

But again, I’m not here to judge. I just don’t get it. Doesn’t your arm get tired holding an iPhone above your head for 55 minutes? Isn’t your girlfriend embarrassed to be standing next to you while you’re making these elaborate camera movements like you’re shooting a car commercial or something? Don’t you think maybe you’re bumming the band out a little?

Lettuce know.

Share your thoughts on Dolores Park

Dolores Parks Works is gearing up to host yet another Dolores Park meetup, and today they’ve put up an open call for speakers:

Do have an Dolores Park perspective or message that deserves amplification? This is your opportunity.

I’m pretty sure this event won’t involve puke of any kind. So, consider that. If you think you’ve got some bright ideas or whatever, click here to throw your hat into the ring.

California Sunshine returns

It’s been a while since we heard from California Sunshine. Their epic single “Cover Me in Diamonds” was one of our picks for Summer Jamz 2010, but to my knowledge they performed in the neighborhood since their debut early last year. (They did make a brief appearance over winter break explaining why the holidays are great.)

Well, now they’re back. Last night, Mission Mission on Tumblr premiered a new California Sunshine song, calling it “an understated new party jam.” And that it is. I suspect we’ll be hearing a lot of it all summer, as parties wind down and couples start pairing off. Without further ado, here is “Whatever it Takes”:

WHATEVER IT TAKES – California Sunshine

Killer cut! Can’t wait to see how it looks live — California Sunshine is headlining a show this Sunday at the Knockout! Show at 10pm, also starring Pamela and Will Ivy. RSVP and invite your friends here.

[Photo courtesy of California Sunshine]

Local news

This week on Necessary Conversation, my favorite local newscast, Beth and Melissa open with a bit about Girafa and San Jose!

They also give us a rundown of all the SF mayoral hopefuls, and Beth tells us about being stereotyped on her recent trip to New York. Watch now:

Commie Oddfellow

Right? All of a sudden he’s got a Fidel Castro thing going on. I like this new look for spring.

[Photo by Penelope Popsicle]

Young love on Muni

Whoa! Last week at Muni Diaries Live, our very own Ariel Dovas told the story of his first kiss (and the epic romance surrounding it). It’s pretty great. You’re welcome, Muni Diaries.

Watch it now:

Rad dog is a ‘Friday’ fan

When I saw an email in my box titled “Rad dog quotes ‘Friday’ on Friday,” I was like, “Finally! Some Rebecca Black love in the MIssion!” But, alas, we’re talking about a different Friday. We all love this one too though, so it’s all good.

Reader Pete M., who snapped the pic, writes:

Saw this at 15th / Valencia this morning on one of those green utility boxes on the sidewalk.  One of the best monologues from one of the best movies…ever.

Thanks, Pete!

Windy city

Guy walks into Pushbike, looking a little windblownt. Shopgirl Tara asks, “Getting blown around a bit out there?” Guy confirms, in earnest:


Ho-ho-ho! (Then he bought some some shoes I think.)

Leonard Cohen in the Mission again?

Last time, he was just walking around taking cellphone pics. This time, it looks like he’s decided to leave his mark:

Nice work, Leonard!

[Photo by reader Brian P.]

Ti Couz might become a Quizno’s?!?!

Not exactly, but kinda. In any case, you’ve gotta love Laura Beck’s formidable blogging abilities.