Bombay Bazaar and Ice Cream reopens

These have been popping up around the ‘hood. Looks like Bombay Ice Creamery is reopening on South Van Ness.

In other news, South Van Ness is the new Valencia.

[via Mr. Eric Sir]

Locanda, the newest member of the Delfina empire, open for business in former Ramblas space

Bummed as we were to see Ramblas replaced, surely there’s some good news in here somewhere. Paolo over at SF Gate has the first report:

Diners sit at simple dark wood tables graced with Locanda-branded water bottles and candleholders refurbished from Italian anchovy cans. Shortly after ordering, slices of pizza bianca arrive. With a playful wink to San Francisco’s pizza trend, bianca is billed as “not pizza.” And it’s not – it’s a focaccia-like Roman-style flatbread.

Sounds good. The menu is mostly about pasta, and unlike Delfina they have cocktails! Read on.

[via Mission Local] [Photo by Eric Wolfinger / SF Gate]

‘Secret’ Thao and Mirah show at Viracocha RIGHT NOW

The Bay Bridged this week published a big report about how cool Thao and Mirah’s new recordings are (see video above) and how cool their tour is going to be.

What they failed to mention is that RIGHT NOW they’re kicking off said tour with an unannounced (I guess that’s why they didn’t announce it, huh) show at Valencia Street vintage typewriter purveyor Viracocha. Omw!

Who do you love?

Me too.

[Photo by Orin]

Handgun discarded on the sidewalk during high-speed foot chase

We were walking home from the Uptown last night around closing time when two dudes came sprinting at us northbound on Shotwell. The lead guy’s pinstriped Yankee hat flew off as they passed us. At the end of the block, they turned left, but not before dropping something. It sounded bigger than a cellphone. We turned back and took a look, and it turned out to be a handgun. I immediately took a picture and then called 9-1-1.

I said, “I just witnessed what I think was an undercover police officer chasing a suspect. They dropped something. It’s a handgun. So I’m standing here on the corner of 19th and Shotwell with a handgun.” The operator shrieked, “YOU PICKED UP THE GUN!?” “No, no, no, I’m just standing next to it.” Right then a squad car arrived and officers started questioning us.

The lead officer took one look at the weapon and said, “Damn, that’s a nice gun.” We couldn’t describe either of the sprinters, so at that point we weren’t much help. After a few minutes, an undercover officer arrived, out of breath. He walked right past the gun and us. “See any drugs?” Nobody had seen any drugs. He walked up and down the sidewalk, looking in planter boxes and elsewhere. Another officer unballed a balled up pair of socks. No drugs anywhere.

He comes back to the gun, asks us if we saw the suspect drop it. We had not. So again we weren’t much help. I asked if he caught the suspect. “Yup,” he said, and smiled. He photographed the scene with a small point-and-shoot camera. The lead uniformed officer again looked at the gun: “I might have to get one of these for myself.”

[Additional photography by David Kelso]

The Funbeatles record is released into the world

Tonight at The Secret Alley.

1462 Paper Snowflakes

This late afternoon Cody Frost will be creating performance art in the window of Adobe Books. Check out the promo video below.

Your seat is waiting

Your Seat is Waiting

Beloved 14th and Valencia tiger mural eradicated

Here it is in its former glory:

[Photo via Westbymidwest]

And, today:


So that just happened.

On a positive note, the laser-eyes kitties mural has just come back from the dead, so maybe the Tiger might do the same someday.


No hope

Even the trees in this town are like, “Fuck it.” C’mon, people (and flora), it’s springtime. The sun is shining, the weekend is here. Things are going to be okay!

That said,

[Photo by YMFY]