Giant bike, tiny car


I had to double back when I walked past this bike.  It may not look so big in the photos, but seriously, this bike dwarfed the car behind it.  I didn’t get a chance to see who it belonged to, but judging by the size of this thing, that person would be hard to miss.


Sweet Mummies bumper sticker!

Now let’s all watch some vintage Mummies:

Whoa, sweet Trouble Makers bumper sticker too:

Now let’s all read a vintage Troublemakers interview I did.

The corner of 21st and Folsom will never be the same

Without that big iconic awning full of big cartoon tortas.

The least these guys could’ve done is put up a more bulbous awning, with big cartoon Italian pastries on it.

UPDATE: Our pal Jacob L. just wrote in with another pressing concern re: this new awning:

Can we talk about the side of this awning on the 21st side?  First of all, it says “Um ! !”…do they mean “Mmmmm!!”, as in this is delicious…or are they puzzled about something?  Also, I am pretty sure “trees leches” is not the type of cake they are going to specialize in there…tres leches possibly, but milk trees cake doesn’t sound as good.

Don’t call it ‘Mariachi’

Here’s your daily dose of enthnomusisnobbery. Those guys walking around the Mission with guitars? Not Mariachi. Mariachis wear the Three Amigos getups and feature violins as the lead instrument (not just trumpets), according to this informative video:

It goes on to point out that if you want the real thing, you gotta go to San Jose or LA.

Use that on your next date at Cava 22 to impress. Here’s some sample copy: “Actually, this doesn’t quite fall under the Mariachi idiom.” Be sure to use an extra nasal and high-pitched voice when you say “actually”.

Early morning car crash at 23rd and Mission leaves mom and baby hospitalized

SF Appeal reports:

A female driver and her one-year-old passenger were hospitalized this morning after she crashed into a fire hydrant in San Francisco’s Mission District, police said.

The woman struck her 1995 Toyota Camry into a hydrant at the intersection of 23rd and Mission Streets at about 4:15 a.m., San Francisco police said.

The one year old suffered life-threatening injuries, and was taken to a local hospital. The driver was also taken to the hospital, with injuries that were not life threatening, police said.

Read on.

[via Grand Coffee and Ariel Dovas]


What do you do when the kitchen at your favorite bar runs out of avocado?

We all know a grilled cheese is 10,000 times better with avocado on it. So what do you do when your favorite bar runs out? Send someone to the taquería up the street for an avocado side and some green salsa:

Makes the tots better, too.

Mini vs. small parking spot

The old feud.  Who will win?  Parking in the Mission is a nightmare.  I had a car when I first moved to the neighborhood.  After my first week living here, I had amassed 3 parking tickets and quickly decided that having a car in the Mission is a luxury reserved for royalty and visiting heads of state.  Many years of bicycling later, I’m quite pleased with my decision, even if day trips to Point Reyes are a lot more difficult to pull off now.

Valencia pranksters up to something again

All has been quiet at this mysterious apartment on Valencia at Liberty since their botched escape attempt, so naturally I was intrigued as to what this latest piece of gadgetry might be.  If you’re too lazy to walk by yourself, there’s a few closer looks after the jump:


Bee ‘attacks’ not really attacks after all

Our pal Iron Davy (half of the team responsible for our recent redesign) explains (he’s a bee expert):

My bad! Next time I’ll title the post “Bee party rocks the Mission!” [link]

BREAKING: Bee attack at 16th and Rondel

“Apparently they love coffee,” says tipster Felix Sargent.

This is mere days after a swarm of bees were unleashed on Valencia Street. Watch your backs!