Cars video promotes graffiti, kind of looks like a ripoff of Ferocious Few video

The song is an instant classic though:

Instant classic! Doesn’t it make you want to ditch the office and head for the park?

Watch the Ferocious Few video in question here. Stream the entire new Cars album here (though it’s not all this good).

In-N-Out Burgers in Dolores Park

Damn, this looks like fun. How about as soon as Chaac Mool moves out, we let In-N-Out in? Nobody could possibly be opposed to that, right?

Or maybe TCB Courier could put together some kind of arrangement? Their riders are pret-ty fast.

[Photo by Demian Becerra]

Wearing a backpack on stage like you’ve got better things to do

Yeah, that’s pretty baller.

I think this was some combination of Silian Rail and a few dudes from some other bands.

Rad Mummy

That’s right, it’s Mummy Week on Mission Mission. But seriously, this mummy is rad.

[via Chilliam]

Bikes and Beats at Public Works Friday

Are you itching to party in San Francisco’s arbitrarily-named neighborhood Somisspo? Well Bikes and Beats is going down there this Friday at Public Works. ‘Deep, who you know as the guy on the speaker-loaded tricycle, will be among the many DJs of the evening, so expect such crowd pleasers as MJ’s “Don’t stop ’til you get enough” . There will be eats, prizes, and bike crafts.

If you want to make a whole night of it, the event takes place at right after the Friday 7:30pm SF Bike Party, AKA the “nice” Critical Mass with bouncy castles. And don’t worry: there will be bike valet to handle the venue’s dire bike parking situation.


Single-family cathedral across from Dolores Park is finally off the market

And it’s going to become some kind of day school. Curbed SF reports:

The space will be used for the Children’s Day School’s middle school, plus a large gathering/performance space which it plans to make available to community groups [...]

That last part seems cool. Read on.

The main thing is, does “Allan’s Bi-Monthly Ping Pong and Berlin Techno Mixer” qualify as a community group?

UPDATE: The school already has an official website.

Muni vehicles racing up Market a million years ago

This shot comes from a Flickr account called MUNI – BETTER LATE THAN NEVER that’s full of tons more old shots like this. But I like this one especially. It’s like we’re there. A million years ago.

It’s easy once you get the hang of it

Here are the first four panels of a new strip by Julia Wertz:

See what “The Thing” is here. I love this strip.

What’s it like to race up to Twin Peaks and back on a fixed-gear bicycle with $500 on the line?

Have a look:

Thanks to Mother Nature for such a gorgeous Sunday afternoon, and thanks to Storts for taking us on such an epic ride.

View from atop St. Luke’s Hospital

They should just open up a bar-nightclub with a sweet roofdeck already. What are they waiting for?

Am I right, We Built This City, taker of this great snapshot?