Muni metro featured in 1981 Chuck Norris movie

Lookin’ sharp! (Way sharper than the rest of this movie anyway.)

Fast forward to the 6:00 mark if you want to cut to the chase:

[Thanks, Tag!]


Mother’s Day book sale at Adobe Books today

The details:

Sidewalk sale with dollar books
All books inside the shop 25% off
All day, rain or shine

The sale is on! Now! RSVP and invite your friends here.

[Photo by superdillettante]

Lawn boarding

I’ve been staring at this picture all morning. It’s like a whole Michel Gondry movie packed into one little cellphone shot.

[via Carlos]

Organic pussi wanted

His name is Bone Head. His URL seems to be erroneous.

[via Zarah]

How’s that Giants game?


P.S. I’m pretty sure that’s a riff on an MLK quote.


No soup for you

Apparently you have to have a permit to serve streefood! Who knew? It’s a shame; that was really good soup!

Now, if it were free on the other hand. . .

Magic Curry Kart debuts Thai basil burgers on Cinco de Mayo

magic curry kart, thai burger, basil burger, food, hamburger, food cart, san francisco, mission district

Last night the Magic Curry Kart debuted its latest creation, the Thai basil burger – and it may be the best cross-cultural food mash-up since Zante’s Indian pizza. $5 a pop nets you a patty piled high with Thai basil, Sriracha mayo, mushrooms and deep-fried shallots – flavors that fuse to form a taste trifecta that ranges from spicy to sweet and savory.

Sound good? He’s setting up shop at Fabric8 at 22nd and Valencia RIGHT NOW so stop on by!


Fisherman’s Wharf ‘stachefest

My brother posted this amazing postcard on Wonglr and added:

There’s nothing I don’t like about this old San Francisco postcard. The bountiful dungeness crab harvest. The red berets & ’70s ‘staches. Is that Charles Bronson in the back there?

I’m not sure, but Mr. Bronson just might be in town to clean up these streets:

Growing up with gangs in the Mission

Youth Outlook TV interviewed a couple of young Latin American Mission natives about growing up in gangs, recent gang injunctions, and something that rhymes with “smentrification”.

PBR for life

Our pal Sally from CurbedSF sends this our way and wonders:

Haven’t we moved onto Simpler Times or some shit?  I should get a Trader Joe’s neck tattoo.

Indeed!  Trader Joe’s neck tatoos and chest pieces for all!

(Thanks Sally!)