Vibrator gutter dance

Doctor Dex wrote in to share a fun little story:

Thought you might be interested to hear about this crazy little scene I ran into yesterday on Mission St.  while headed to  Taqueria Cancun.  Walking down Mission, I noticed this woman in front of a produce stand kick something into the street.  Upon further inspection, I realize it is some sort of a vibrator.  I think it was an older model perhaps, one with the battery pack and control connecting via wire to the egg like vibrator.  After snapping a couple of pictures and deciding what to do next, the thing turns on as if possessed by some sort of sex ghost and starts bouncing back and forth against the curb.  I manage to capture a short video before an FJ Cruiser decides he wants to park right on top of the little devil and kill the mood.

Watch the brief video here.

Best Arizmendi pizza I’ve had in a while

They’re pulling them out of the oven now during Sunday Streets! (Sunday Streets is right now!)

Let me ride

Parallel parking a lo-rider actually looks like a lot of fun!

[Photo by Aaron Mitchell, local badass and Lady Gaga tipster]

Recycling rage

It seems as though not everyone’s on board with the this whole recycling thing.  I’d hate to see what they think of our city’s mandatory composting program.

[Photo by Matt Hill]

Mid 90s

I have no idea what this means. Is this a Debaser reference? A Minnesotan pining for home? Warning of a pending heat wave? A Tibetan or Burmese sympathizer? Just barely obtuse?


Ribity comes out!

From our buddy Brock:

Breaking: Ribity spotted across from Castro Theater atop blue Victorian. Camera won’t take clear pic. Anyway, Ribity is out of the closet, clearly.

The pic looks fine to me, baby. Congrats, Ribity!

So this panda walks into a taqueria dot dot dot

Pablo Sandoval apparently ate at El Farolito last night and all I got was this crappy picture. Sorry, folks. I’m no good as a paparazzi.

I was in line by myself and the three guys in front of me started freaking out after he walked out. “Dude! That was Pablo Sandoval!” That kind of thing. I need to pay more attention.

Windy shitty

Apparently we were all almost killed by a falling theater marquee. Mission Local reports:

Police closed off a block of Mission Street, between 20th and 21st street, as a safety precaution because a metal sheet from the Tower Theater sign was flapping from the wind.

“It was flapping like a flag,” said ice cream vendor, Magdaleno Gutierrez. “It would have killed someone.”

Firefighters arrived sometime after 1:30 p.m. and placed ropes to hold together the roughly 30 foot-long metal sign, according to a Department of Traffic and Parking employee on the scene.

I don’t see what the big deal was. I was in the park all afternoon and it was perfectly pleasant. Read on.

Brunch hate

Reader Lisza encountered these signs on her way home from brunch today:

I encountered this saddening hatred on my way home from brunch (with a high bun no less)!

Thanks, Lisza!

Here’s one more:

So many Michiganders in the Mission

I think I met like seven or eight new ones this week, and then I saw this Flint pride in a bathroom.