Parrot soars over Dolores Park

Escaped zoo animal? Weird magic trick? (Weird Photoshop trick?) What’s this about?

Photography by the ghostis. View it larger here.

Beastie Boys tribute band Rhymin’ N Stealin’ tonight at the Knockout

So we’re all going, right?

RSVP and invite your friends here.

KKKatie bombs the cops

It’s unclear when/where this shot came from. But, whoa.

[via Man Freckles]

Asians taking our jobs, street art space

It’s true! We love rice and really do wear those funny hats.

[Photo by Steve L, by 30th and Mission Walgreens]

These kobe sliders at Medjool don’t look half bad

Now that the weather’s nice, we should todally go hang on the roof and eat them.

[Photo by Leanne Koh]

‘White hipsters get out of Pilsen’

So, you think this whole anti-gentrification thing is unique to the Mission? Think again. It’s happening in the Pilsen neighborhood of Chicago, as you can see in this found racist rant accusing a loosely-defined group of people of being racist.

i don’t know, man astutely points out:

Pilsen is named for the Czech town of Plzen — Pilsner, a delicious type of lager beer is, too — because it was populated mainly by Czech immigrants in the early part of last century. As Czechs made a better life for themselves and probably moved out of the city to the suburbs, Chicago’s growing Latino population moved in.

What we have here is a chicken-or-the-egg problem. Who’s the most entitled to live anywhere? Amoebas floating in primordial soup, I reckon.

Anyway, I’m glad Asian hipsters are off the hook (not that I am one).

[chicagoist via beerandrap]

What early ’80s new wavers inspired San Francisco’s ‘new garage rock’?

First Pitchfork did a big feature called Positive Destruction: San Francisco’s New Garage Rock. Then Scion released a whole movie called New Garage Explosion: In Love With These Times. They both, obviously, focus a lot on Ty Segall, Thee Oh Sees and other hot SF bands. The movie mentioned briefly though that none of this ever would have happened without this band The Clean.

They’re from New Zealand. And the above song is pret-ty good. But I do believe it sounds like this Strokes b-side (almost exactly, really) more than any Oh Sees hit:

[Thanks, A!]

Bike to Arizmendi Day

Not to be outdone, some cycle-centric staff at Arizmendi have taken the time to set up their own little spot and are handing out delicious cookies to anyone riding by!  Even better, attached is a very stylish coupon that grants you a buy-one-get-one-free deal on some of the best pizza slices around!

Free pizza and cookies?  Sold.


Best Arizmendi pizza I’ve had in a while

Guerilla marketing for Miller High Life?

Not interested? Fine, let’s go back to nerding out about IPAs.

[via Doctor Dex]

Yo-yo mastery, with a little help from Satan

Our buddy Doc put on an impromptu yo-yo clinic last night outside Bender’s. Vic tells the tale:

I requested the “Pentagram” yo-yo trick that I saw him do on YouTube. He did it flawlessly even after drinking all night. Note that this is an off-the-string trick. Meaning, during the trick he untwisted and detached the yo-yo from the string and went into a trick called the “Washing Machine” (which he invented) then did this, and reattached the string to the yo-yo before returning it to his hand.

Also, amazing yo-yo tricks aside, I’d like to point out how awesome it is that the “Pabst” logo appears upside-down on Doc’s right leg. More mysterious magic of the RAZR camera, the polaroid of our time.

Yes, if anyone’s interested, I am available for impromptu RAZR clinics outside Bender’s anytime. [link]


Here’s a video of this trick, done in front of Ritual Coffee