Criminal bus missing

Dang. Bummer.

[via Vic Womg]

…now let’s all head back to 1992:

Mission dudes talk coffee

[via Eliza]

Mission Map Project by Mike Giant

[via Hypebeast] [Thanks, Kiya!]

Foiled again

It’s not the most common accoutrement you may see attached to a bicycle (even in this city), but I bet it really comes in handy when you can’t quite finish that super burrito and want to take the rest to go.

Power outage fun

But did y’all keep Smithsfits going with a little a cappella? “I ain’t no god damn son of a bi-i-i-itch!!” sang the entire bar, in unison.

If you’re gonna try for savesies, at least use a healthy cone

Iconic 17 Reasons sign rises above the Mission once again, kinda

Okay, so not really. But it’s good to see some of our neighbors at least trying to keep its memory alive. Nevertheless, I think I like the previous crew’s message a little better.

Cranky Old Mission Guy took the photo and would like some clarification on the scribbles in the lower right.

Pee-wee cake

Wow! Looks almost as yummy as the real thing. And even yummier than that dumb reunion.

[via YSGL]

Battling the blaze

Little photos by reader Nina N.; big photos by reader Daniel S.:


Fire in the Mission

[Photo by Don Loeb]

[Photo by Joe]

SF Appeal has details here.

UPDATE: Our buddy Raun was on the scene: