A weekend of unknown, underground, obscure and forgotten music in San Francisco

S.S. Records changed my life. One cold night some time in the last 10 years I was driving past some college town on an interstate, when I heard a song on the town’s college radio station. It was evil, man. It was slimy. And dark, but also bright and rad and sexy. It was “Your Body” by Frustration:

S.S. wasn’t even responsible for the recording, but I looked up the band and they were associated with S.S., and so I read about S.S. and started listening to other S.S. stuff and buying as much S.S. stuff from Needles + Pens as I possibly could. I’ve always been into weird music, but this was a special brand of weird. This was expertly curated weird, and it made me want more. Fortunately, S.S. is still going strong — and celebrating 10 years as a label this year — and the main event is this weekend right here in San Francisco.

Frustration isn’t on the bill, but a lot of their labelmates are, and everyone on the bill is similarly raw and similarly out-there and similarly viscerally exciting. Here’s what the S S 1 0 website has to say:

Over the last ten years, the label has built a reputation for discovering great unknown bands, finding hidden underground music scene throughout the world, and digging up obscure and forgotten recordings.

To celebrate it’s tenth anniversary, S.S. has put together a weekend of music in San Francisco. This is what we have planned:

Friday, May 20
A Frames**
Hank IV
Charles Albright
w/ dj Mitch Cardwell
@ Bottom of the Hill, 8:30 PM
Buy Tickets Here!

Saturday, May 21
Nothing People
Wounded Lion
w/ dj Ryan Wells
@ Bottom of the Hill, 8:30 PM
Buy Tickets Here!
Sunday, May 22

The Mantles
3 Toed Sloth
+ record swap
@ Hemlock Tavern, 4 PM Swap, 6 PM Show
Buy Tickets Here!

Naturally caffeinated yerba maté IPA makes a good Four Loko replacement?

Janebook had hypothesized that it would. Here’s what actually happened:

Yesterday Aaron got me a MateVeza, that yerba maté IPA I anticipated as a replacement to Four Loko. Unfortunately it has two fatal flaws: (1) it’s so hoppy that it kind of tastes like cured meat, which is weird, (2) although I definitely felt the maté buzz, it’s not alcoholic enough to get me drunk. There’s a big difference between 7% and 12%. Ah well, it was definitely worth trying.

Bummer! Good effort though, Janebook. Read on for more about Jane’s weekend.

Or check out our big IPA discussion from last week.

KKKatie is definitely back in action

The White House thing and the cop car thing may have been old news, as some commenters have suggested. But this one, as you can see clear as day, has a big old “2011″ on it, so, yes, KKKatie is BBBack!

[via Men Frackles]

Deep-fried potato burrito smothered in ‘potato sauce’

Seems like forever ago that Jameth was a fixture on the scene here in San Francisco. I think he moved to Las Vegas for a while, but I have no idea where he is now. Only that he had this intriguing monstrosity for lunch just now. What the fuck is potato sauce?

UPDATE: He’s in Bellingham, WA.

[Thanks, Brittney!]

This Month in Mission Mission: May

Every month on what was originally supposed to be the 1st but has now become a somewhat arbitrary date, we post some stuff that happened on Mission Mission in years past. How long will this tradition last? I don’t know… but at the very least until Judgement Day (5 days).






BART bird


I wonder if it’s a relative of that last majestic rock dove we saw.

[Photo by Helen]

Hauler back

This is good marketing.

[17th and Dolores via Mr. Eric Sir]

Mickey Cube

This is pretty good, and I hope Cube and/or Disney see it and turn it into a major motion picture, but I still like my Ice Cube remix better.

[Photo by Wade]

Crack is wack

Doctor Dex posted this image yesterday.

It is reminiscent of Mission Mission’s most trafficked post of all time, but somehow I don’t think this one is poised to take off in quite the same way.


This party’s jumpin’ off over at 23rd and Valencia.

[via landyacht]